Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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14575 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
Empowering: the experiences of exercise among heart transplantation patients in Taiwan Jeng C//Chu FL//Tsao LI J Adv Nurs 2002 VIEW
Improvement of isokinetic knee extensor strength and reduction of postural sway in the elderly from long-term Tai Chi exercise Wu G//Zhao F//Zhou X//Wei L Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002 VIEW
Regular Tai Chi Chuan exercise may retard bone loss in postmenopausal women: A case-control study Qin L//Au S//Choy W//Leung P//// Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002 VIEW
Are the 'hard' martial arts, such as the Korean martial art, TaeKwon-Do, of benefit to senior citizens? Brudnak MA//Dundero D//Van Hecke FM Med Hypotheses 2002 VIEW
Intervention strategies and risk-factor modification for falls prevention. A review of recent intervention studies Cumming RG Clin Geriatr Med 2002 VIEW
Delineating the impact of Tai Chi training on physical function among the elderly Li F//Fisher KJ//Harmer P//McAuley E Am J Prev Med 2002 VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan training is associated with enhanced endothelium-dependent dilation in skin vasculature of healthy older men Wang JS//Lan C//Chen SY//Wong MK J Am Geriatr Soc 2002 VIEW
Healing the heart: integrating complementary therapies and healing practices into the care of cardiovascular patients Kreitzer MJ//Snyder M Prog Cardiovasc Nurs 2002 VIEW
Evaluation of the effectiveness of Tai Chi for improving balance and preventing falls in the older population--a review Wu G J Am Geriatr Soc 2002 VIEW
[Effect of a sensorimotor training program on patients with subacromial pain syndrome][Article in German] Jerosch J//Wustner P Unfallchirurg 2002 VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan: an ancient wisdom on exercise and health promotion Lan C//Lai JS//Chen SY Sports Med 2002 VIEW
Study of yoga asanas in assessment of pulmonary function in NIDDM patients Malhotra V//Singh S//Singh KP//Gupta P//// Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002 VIEW
Effect of Yoga asanas on nerve conduction in type 2 diabetes Malhotra V//Singh S//Tandon OP//Madhu SV//// Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine for menopausal symptoms: a review of randomized, controlled trials Kronenberg F//Fugh-Berman A Ann Intern Med 2002 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine in asthma: do they work? Steurer-Stey C//Russi EW//Steurer J Swiss Med Wkly 2002 VIEW
Therapeutic potential of yoga practices in modifying cardiovascular risk profile in middle aged men and women Damodaran A// Malathi A// Patil N//Shah N//// J Assoc Physicians India 2002 VIEW
Nondrug interventions in hypertension prevention and control Labarthe D//Ayala C Cardiol Clin 2002 VIEW
[Essential hypertension and stress. When do yoga, psychotherapy and autogenic training help?][Article in German] Herrmann JM MMW Fortschr Med 2002 VIEW
Yoga-based guided relaxation reduces sympathetic activity judged from baseline levels Vempati RP//Telles S Psychol Rep 2002 VIEW
Conservative treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials Gerritsen AA//de Krom MC//Struijs MA//Scholten RJ//// J Neurol 2002 VIEW
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