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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
A Combination of Gestalt Therapy, Rosen Body Work, and Cranio Sacral Therapy did not help in Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders (WAD) - Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial Ventegodt S//Merrick J//Andersen NJ//Bendix T ScientificWorldJournal 2004 VIEW
Tantra and Modern Neurosciences: Is there any Correlation? Venkatraman A1, Nandy R2, Rao SS3, Mehta DH4, Viswanathan A5, Jayasundar R6 Neurol India. 2019 Sep-Oct VIEW
Tai chi improves balance in people with Parkinson's disease. Venglar M. Evid Based Med. 2012 Jun 26 VIEW
Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model to Gain Perspective of the Benefits of Yoga in Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and Children to Inform Practice for Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Meta-Analysis. Veneri D1, Gannotti M2, Bertucco M3, Fournier Hillman SE2 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Feb 6 VIEW
Scientific Basis for the Use of Indian Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants in the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders: Ashwagandha. Ven Murthy MR, Ranjekar PK, Ramassamy C, Deshpande M. Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem. 2010 Jun 9 VIEW
The efficacy of a comprehensive lifestyle modification programme based on yoga in the management of bronchial asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Vempati R, Bijlani RL, Deepak KK. BMC Pulm Med. 2009 Jul 30 VIEW
Pilot study: Retreat intervention predicts improved quality of life and reduced psychological distress among breast cancer patients. Vella EJ, Budd M. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Nov VIEW
Influence of sports climbing and yoga on spasticity, cognitive function, mood and fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis. Velikonja O, Curić K, Ozura A, Jazbec SS. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2010 Sep VIEW
Influence of sports climbing and yoga on spasticity, cognitive function, mood and fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis. Velikonja O, Curić K, Ožura A, Jazbec SS. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2010 Apr 4 VIEW
Effect of yogic bellows on cardiovascular autonomic reactivity. Veerabhadrappa SG, Baljoshi VS, Khanapure S, Herur A, Patil S, Ankad RB, Chinagudi S. J Cardiovasc Dis Res. 2011 Oct VIEW
Clinical study of yoga techniques in university students with asthma: a controlled study Vedanthan PK//Kesavalu LN//Murthy KC//Duvall K//// Allergy Asthma Proc 1998 VIEW
Human brain networks: a graph theoretical analysis of cortical connectivity normative database from EEG data in healthy elderly subjects. Vecchio F1, Miraglia F2, Judica E3, Cotelli M4, Alù F2, Rossini PM2 Geroscience. 2020 Mar 13 VIEW
Resting state cortical EEG rhythms in Alzheimer's disease: toward EEG markers for clinical applications: a review. Vecchio F, Babiloni C, Lizio R, Fallani Fde V, Blinowska K, Verrienti G, Frisoni G, Rossini PM. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol. 2013 VIEW
EEG frontal asymmetry related to pleasantness of music perception in healthy children and cochlear implanted users. Vecchiato G, Maglione AG, Scorpecci A, Malerba P, Marsella P, Di Francesco G, Vitiello S, Colosimo A, Babiloni F. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
Addressing Social Isolation To Improve the Health of Older Adults: A Rapid Review [Internet]. Veazie S, Gilbert J, Winchell K, Paynter R, Guise JM. AHRQ Rapid Evidence Product Reports 2019 Feb VIEW
Yoga and menopausal transition. Vaze N, Joshi S. J Midlife Health. 2010 Jul VIEW
Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications. Vatansever F, Hamblin MR. Photonics Lasers Med. 2012 Nov 1 VIEW
Stress responsive biochemical anabolic/catabolic ratio and telomere length in older adults. Vasunilashorn S1, Cohen AA. Biodemography Soc Biol. 2014 VIEW
Mind-Body Interventions in Late-Life Mental Illnesses and Cognitive Disorders: A Narrative Review. Vasudev A1, Torres-Platas SG2, Kerfoot K1, Potes A3, Therriault J4, Gifuni A4, Segal M3, Looper KJ3, Nair V4, Lavretsky H5, Rej S6 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018 Nov 3 VIEW
The state of instrumentation for combined positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Vaska P, Cao T. Semin Nucl Med. 2013 Jan VIEW
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