Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
[Effect of acupuncture therapy on appetite of obesity patients]. Yao H, Chen JX, Zhang ZQ, Pan Y, Zheng J, Tong J. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2012 Dec VIEW
Mind-Body Medicine for Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders. Helgason C, Sarris J. Clin Schizophr Relat Psychoses. 2013 Feb 21 VIEW
Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity—a Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease Gae ́ tan Chevalier, PhD,1 Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, FACC, FACN,2 James L. Oschman, PhD,3 and Richard M. Delany, MD, FACC4 THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE 2013 VIEW
Vibrational spectroscopic imaging and multiphoton microscopy of spinal cord injury. Galli R, Uckermann O, Winterhalder MJ, Sitoci-Ficici KH, Geiger KD, Koch E, Schackert G, Zumbusch A, Steiner G, Kirsch M. Anal Chem. 2012 Oct 16 VIEW
Chronic physical illness: a psychophysiological approach for chronic physical illness. Purdy J. Yale J Biol Med. 2013 Mar VIEW
Interleukin-33 mediates formalin-induced inflammatory pain in mice. Han P, Zhao J, Liu SB, Yang CJ, Wang YQ, Wu GC, Xu DM, Mi WL. Neuroscience. 2013 Mar 19 VIEW
A pilot study of yoga as self-care for arthritis in minority communities. Middleton KR, Ward MM, Haaz S, Velummylum S, Fike A, Acevedo AT, Tataw-Ayuketah G, Dietz L, Mittleman BB, Wallen GR. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2013 Apr 2 VIEW
Neurocognitive and Somatic Components of Temperature Increases during g-Tummo Meditation: Legend and Reality. Kozhevnikov M, Elliott J, Shephard J, Gramann K. PLoS One. 2013 VIEW
Site-specific organ-selective effect of epifascial acupuncture on cardiac and gastric autonomic functions. Minagawa M, Kurono Y, Ishigami T, Yamada A, Kakamu T, Akai R, Hayano J. Auton Neurosci. 2013 Apr 1 VIEW
Non-local mind from the perspective of social cognition. Chatel-Goldman J, Schwartz JL, Jutten C, Congedo M. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013 VIEW
Atomic water channel controlling remarkable properties of a single brain microtubule: Correlating single protein to its supramolecular assembly. Sahu S, Ghosh S, Ghosh B, Aswani K, Hirata K, Fujita D, Bandyopadhyay A. Biosens Bioelectron. 2013 Mar VIEW
A systematic review on physical therapy interventions for patients with binge eating disorder. Vancampfort D, Vanderlinden J, De Hert M, Adámkova M, Skjaerven LH, Catalán-Matamoros D, Lundvik-Gyllensten A, Gómez-Conesa A, Ijntema R, Probst M. Disabil Rehabil. 2013 Apr 17 VIEW
Keeping the balance - an overview of mind-body therapies in pediatric oncology. Kanitz JL, Camus ME, Seifert G. Complement Ther Med. 2013 Apr VIEW
Physical comorbidities in men with mood and anxiety disorders: a population-based study. Sanna L, Stuart AL, Pasco JA, Kotowicz MA, Berk M, Girardi P, Brennan SL, Williams LJ. BMC Med. 2013 Apr 24 VIEW
Effects of Movement Music Therapy with the Naruko Clapper on Psychological, Physical and Physiological Indices among Elderly Females: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Shimizu N, Umemura T, Hirai T, Tamura T, Sato K, Kusaka Y. Gerontology. 2013 Apr 23 VIEW
Prevalence and correlates of postdiagnosis initiation of complementary and alternative medicine among patients at a comprehensive cancer center. Perlman A, Lontok O, Huhmann M, Parrott JS, Simmons LA, Patrick-Miller J Oncol Pract. 2013 Jan VIEW
Complementary Therapies and Integrative Medicine in Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer, 3rd ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Deng GE, Rausch SM, Jones LW, Gulati A, Kumar NB, Greenlee H, Pietanza MC, Cassileth BR. Chest 2013 May VIEW
Swedish review strengthens grounds for concluding that radiation from cellular and cordless phones is a probable human carcinogen. Davis DL, Kesari S, Soskolne CL, Miller AB, Stein Y. Pathophysiology. 2013 May 7 VIEW
Trials of acupuncture for drug dependence: a recommendation for hypotheses based on the literature White A. Acupunct Med. 2013 May 10 VIEW
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