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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Characterizing emotional response to music in the prefrontal cortex using near infrared spectroscopy. Moghimi S, Kushki A, Guerguerian AM, Chau T. Neurosci Lett. 2012 Jul 27 VIEW
Acupuncture for Postoperative Pain in Day Surgery Patients Undergoing Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery. Ward U, Nilsson UG. Clin Nurs Res. 2012 Jul 27 VIEW
Is it me or not me? Modulation of perceptual-motor awareness and visuomotor performance by mindfulness meditation. Naranjo JR, Schmidt S. BMC Neurosci. 2012 Jul 30 VIEW
A Pilot Study Exploring the Effects of a 12-Week T'ai Chi Intervention on Somatic Symptoms of Depression in Patients with Heart Failure. Redwine LS, Tsuang M, Rusiewicz A, Pandzic I, Cammarata S, Rutledge T, Hong S, Linke S, Mills PJ. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 30 VIEW
Exploring communication pathways to better health: Clinician communication of expectations for acupuncture effectiveness. Street RL Jr, Cox V, Kallen MA, Suarez-Almazor ME. Patient Educ Couns. 2012 Jul 31 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: A Survey of Korean Medical Schools. Kim DY, Park WB, Kang HC, Kim MJ, Park KH, Min BI, Suh DJ, Lee HW, Jung SP, Chun M, Lee SN. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 31 VIEW
Efficacy of acupressure for non-pharmacological stress reduction in college students. McFadden KL, Healy KM, Hoversten KP, Ito TA, Hernández TD. Complement Ther Med. 2012 Aug VIEW
Patient experience of acupuncture provision in a GP practice. Fixler M, Ogden C, Moir F, Polley MJ. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2012 Aug VIEW
Diagnosis and management of lung infections. Jaroszewski DE, Webb BJ, Leslie KO Thorac Surg Clin. 2012 Aug VIEW
Improving General Flexibility with a Mind-Body Approach: A Randomized, Controlled Trial Using Neuro Emotional Technique® Jensen AM, Ramasamy A, Hall MW. J Strength Cond Res. 2012 Aug VIEW
The impact of music on metabolism. Yamasaki A, Booker A, Kapur V, Tilt A, Niess H, Lillemoe KD, Warshaw AL, Conrad C. Nutrition. 2012 Aug 1 VIEW
Music interventions and physical activity in older adults: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Clark IN, Taylor NF, Baker F. J Rehabil Med. 2012 Aug 1 VIEW
Tai chi improves balance in patients with Parkinson's disease. Singh Joy SD. Am J Nurs. 2012 Aug VIEW
Musculoskeletal injuries related to yoga: imaging observations. Le Corroller T, Vertinsky AT, Hargunani R, Khashoggi K, Munk PL, Ouellette HA. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2012 Aug VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Youth With Juvenile Arthritis: Are Youth Using CAM, but Not Talking About It? Seburg EM, Horvath KJ, Garwick AW, McMorris BJ, Vehe RK, Scal P. J Adolesc Health. 2012 Aug VIEW
Nonmedication, alternative, and complementary treatments for migraine. Mauskop A. Continuum (Minneapolis Minn). 2012 Aug VIEW
Ectopic expression of telomerase safely increases health span and life span. Mendelsohn AR, Larrick JW. Rejuvenation Res. 2012 Aug VIEW
Acupuncture-stimulated activation of sensory neurons. Kim MH, Park YC, Namgung U. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2012 Aug VIEW
Acupuncture and the emerging evidence base: contrived controversy and rational debate. Macpherson H, Hammerschlag R. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2012 Aug VIEW
Cerebrovascular response in migraineurs during prophylactic treatment with acupuncture: a randomized controlled trial. Wallasch TM, Weinschuetz T, Mueller B, Kropp P. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug VIEW
Effects of qigong on performance-related anxiety and physiological stress functions in transverse flute music schoolchildren: a feasibility study. Sousa CM, Goncalves M, Machado J, Efferth T, Greten T, Froeschen P, Greten HJ. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 2012 Aug VIEW
Touch--more than a basic science. Elkiss ML, Jerome JA. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2012 Aug VIEW
The role of telomere shortening in somatic stem cells and tissue aging: lessons from telomerase model systems. Tümpel S, Rudolph KL. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2012 Aug VIEW
Epigenetic differences between sister chromatids? Lansdorp PM, Falconer E, Tao J, Brind'amour J, Naumann U. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2012 Aug VIEW
Functional organization of complex brain networks modulated by acupuncture at different acupoints belonging to the same anatomic segment. Chen SJ, Meng L, Yan H, Bai LJ, Wang F, Huang Y, Li JP, Peng XM, Shi XM. Chin Med J (Engl). 2012 Aug VIEW
[The effects of PEMF on the activation of human monocytes]. Chen X, Han X, Wang Q, Wu W, Liu X. Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi. 2012 Aug VIEW
[Overview of the two-way regulatory effect of acupuncture on gastrointestinal motility]. Ren BB, Yu Z, Xu B. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2012 Aug VIEW
[Brief introduction of TCM education in New England School of Acupuncture in the USA]. Yang B. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2012 Aug VIEW
[Placebo effect of acupuncture: a critique and reflection on methodology of clinical research]. Yong-Zhou W. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2012 Aug VIEW
[Influence of acupuncture-drug compound anesthesia with different frequency electroacupuncture on immune function in patients undergoing pneumonectomy]. Fan WC, Ma W, Zhao C, Tong QY, Shen WD. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2012 Aug VIEW
Diaphragmatic breathing exercise as a therapeutic intervention for control of oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Hegde SV, Adhikari P, Subbalakshmi NK, Nandini M, Rao GM, D'Souza V. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2012 Aug VIEW
Comparing the effects of ice massage and acupressure on labor pain reduction. Hajiamini Z, Masoud SN, Ebadi A, Mahboubh A, Matin AA. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2012 Aug VIEW
Effect of respiratory muscle training on exercise performance in healthy individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Illi SK, Held U, Frank I, Spengler CM. Sports Med. 2012 Aug 1 VIEW
[A review of recent researches on correlation between ATP and acupuncture efficacies]. Chen B, Guo Y, Zhao X, Liu YY, Li ZZ, Li YH, Guo YM. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2012 Aug VIEW
[Development of studies on bioeffects of ultrasound-acupuncture therapy and its underlying mechanism]. Yang YH, Zhang D, Sa ZY, Huang M, Ding GH. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2012 Aug VIEW
[An instant pain-relief effect of balance acupuncture for relieving sore throat in acute pharyngitis patients]. Yang SH, Xie PC, Qin XL. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2012 Aug VIEW
[Effect of acupuncture at different acupoints on expression of hypothalamic GABA and GABA(A) receptor proteins in insomnia rats]. Zhou YL, Gao XY, Wang PY, Ren S. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2012 Aug VIEW
[Acupuncture therapy for the improvement of sleep quality of outpatients receiving methadone maintenance treatment: a randomized controlled trial]. Li Y, Liu XB, Zhang Y. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2012 Aug VIEW
Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease in Adolescents and Adults through the Transcendental Meditation(®) Program: A Research Review Update. Barnes VA, Orme-Johnson DW. Curr Hypertens Rev. 2012 Aug VIEW
Ultraweak photon emission induced by visible light and ultraviolet A radiation via photoactivated skin chromophores: in vivo charge coupled device imaging. Prasad A, Pospíšil P. J Biomed Opt. 2012 Aug 1 VIEW
[Mobilization of the stomach and colon using high-frequency electric welding of tissues apparatus]. Sukhin IA, Ostapenko OM, Kachan SH, Bilylovets' OM, Honchar IV. Klin Khir. 2012 Aug VIEW
Theory of mind and the brain in anorexia nervosa: relation to treatment outcome. Schulte-Rüther M, Mainz V, Fink GR, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2012 Aug VIEW
EEG frontal asymmetry related to pleasantness of music perception in healthy children and cochlear implanted users. Vecchiato G, Maglione AG, Scorpecci A, Malerba P, Marsella P, Di Francesco G, Vitiello S, Colosimo A, Babiloni F. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
EEG EPs analysis of magnetic stimulation on acupoint of Shenmen(HT7). Geng Y, Zhang X. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
The compact electro-acupuncture system for multi-modal feedback electro-acupuncture treatment. Song K, Lee H, Hong S, Cho H, Yoo HJ. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
Global optimization for human skin investigation in terahertz. Truong BC, Tuan HD, Kha HH, Nguyen HT. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
Signal transmission through human muscle for implantable medical devices using galvanic intra-body communication technique. Chen XM, Mak PU, Pun SH, Gao YM, Vai MI, Du M. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
Parallel in-vitro and in-vivo techniques for optimizing cellular microenvironments by implementing biochemical, biomechanical and electromagnetic stimulations. Shamloo A, Heibatollahi M, Ghafar-Zadeh E. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
A portable system for recording neural activity in indoor and outdoor environments. Baluch F, Itti L. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
Noncontact ECG system for unobtrusive long-term monitoring. McDonald NJ, Anumula HA, Duff E, Soussou W. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
Aspects on the integrative actions of the brain from neural networks to "brain-body medicine". Agnati LF, Guidolin D, Guescini M, Battistin L, Stocchi V, De Caro R, Genedani S, Fuxe K. J Recept Signal Transduct Res. 2012 Aug VIEW
Inspiratory muscle training in patients with heart failure: meta-analysis of randomized trials. Plentz RD, Sbruzzi G, Ribeiro RA, Ferreira JB, Dal Lago P. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012 Aug VIEW
The effects of yoga in prevention of pregnancy complications in high-risk pregnancies: A randomized controlled trial. Rakhshani A, Nagarathna R, Mhaskar R, Mhaskar A, Thomas A, Gunasheela S. Prev Med. 2012 Aug 2 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of qigong for fibromyalgia. Lynch M, Sawynok J, Hiew C, Marcon D Arthritis Res Ther. 2012 Aug 3 VIEW
The effects of music relaxation and muscle relaxation techniques on sleep quality and emotional measures among individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder. Blanaru M1, Bloch B1, Vadas L2, Arnon Z2, Ziv N2, Kremer I1, Haimov I2. Ment Illn. 2012 Aug 7 VIEW
Qi, Acupuncture, and the Fascia: A Reconsideration of the Fundamental Principles of Acupuncture. Finando S, Finando D. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 8 VIEW
Laser Acupuncture for the Treatment of Asthma in Children: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Zhang J, Li X, Xu J, Ernst E. J Asthma. 2012 Aug 9 VIEW
Efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in relation to prior history of depression: randomised controlled trial. Geschwind N, Peeters F, Huibers M, van Os J, Wichers M. Br J Psychiatry. 2012 Aug 9 VIEW
Association between anxiety but not depressive disorders and leukocyte telomere length after 2 years of follow-up in a population-based sample. Hoen PW, Rosmalen JG, Schoevers RA, Huzen J, van der Harst P, de Jonge P. Psychol Med. 2012 Aug 9 VIEW
Short-form Sun-style Tai Chi as an exercise training modality in people with COPD. Leung RW, McKeough ZJ, Peters MJ, Alison JA. Eur Respir J. 2012 Aug 9 VIEW
Selection of independent components based on cortical mapping of electromagnetic activity. Chan HL, Chen YS, Chen LF. J Neural Eng. 2012 Aug 10 VIEW
Brief body-scan meditation practice improves somatosensory perceptual decision making. Mirams L, Poliakoff E, Brown RJ, Lloyd DM. Conscious Cogn. 2012 Aug 10 VIEW
Electromagnetic-guided neuronavigation for safe placement of intraventricular catheters in pediatric neurosurgery. Hermann EJ, Capelle HH, Tschan CA, Krauss JK. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2012 Aug 10 VIEW
Quantum-coherent energy transfer: implications for biology and new energy technologies. Olaya-Castro A, Nazir A, Fleming GR. Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2012 Aug 13 VIEW
A critical view on transport and entanglement in models of photosynthesis. Tiersch M, Popescu S, Briegel HJ. Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2012 Aug 13 VIEW
Pain Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Australia: A Critical Review. Zheng Z, Xue CC. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 14 VIEW
Mind-Body Medicine Therapies for a Range of Depression Severity: A Systematic Review. D'Silva S, Poscablo C, Habousha R, Kogan M, Kligler B. Psychosomatics. 2012 Aug 14 VIEW
Regulation of cell behavior and tissue patterning by bioelectrical signals: challenges and opportunities for biomedical engineering. Levin M, Stevenson CG. Annu Rev Biomed Eng. 2012 Aug 15 VIEW
Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment. Mishra SI, Scherer RW, Snyder C, Geigle PM, Berlanstein DR, Topaloglu O. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Aug 15 VIEW
Relaxation therapy for preventing and treating preterm labour. Khianman B, Pattanittum P, Thinkhamrop J, Lumbiganon P. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Aug 15 VIEW
A PET-CT study on the specificity of acupoints through acupuncture treatment in migraine patients. Yang J, Zeng F, Fang L, Feng Y, Qin W, Liu X, Song W, Xie H, Chen J, Liang F. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Aug 15 VIEW
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields act as a novel cellular stress that induces translational suppression accompanied by eIF2α phosphorylation and 4E-BP1 dephosphorylation. Morotomi-Yano K, Oyadomari S, Akiyama H, Yano K. Exp Cell Res. 2012 Aug 15 VIEW
A paravascular pathway facilitates CSF flow through the brain parenchyma and the clearance of interstitial solutes, including amyloid β. Iliff JJ1, Wang M, Liao Y, Plogg BA, Peng W, Gundersen GA, Benveniste H, Vates GE, Deane R, Goldman SA, Nagelhus EA, Nedergaard M. Sci Transl Med. 2012 Aug 15 VIEW
Acupuncture relieves menopausal discomfort in breast cancer patients: A prospective, double blinded, randomized study. Bokmand S, Flyger H. Breast 2012 Aug 17 VIEW
Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for cancer survivors. Mishra SI, Scherer RW, Geigle PM, Berlanstein DR, Topaloglu O, Gotay CC, Snyder C. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Aug 18 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture with meridian acupoints and three Anmian acupoints on insomnia and related depression and anxiety state. Huo ZJ, Guo J, Li D. Chin J Integr Med. 2012 Aug 18 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Radiotherapy: What Are Patients Using? Gillett J, Ientile C, Hiscock J, Plank A, Martin JM. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 20 VIEW
Can Acupuncture Affect the Circadian Rhythm of Blood Pressure? A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial. Kim HM, Cho SY, Park SU, Sohn IS, Jung WS, Moon SK, Park JM, Ko CN, Cho KH. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 20 VIEW
Physical Activity and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Parkinson Disease. Abrantes AM, Friedman JH, Brown RA, Strong DR, Desaulniers J, Ing E, Saritelli J, Riebe D. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 2012 Aug 20 VIEW
Supervised exercise plus acupuncture for moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis: a small randomised controlled trial. Soni A, Joshi A, Mudge N, Wyatt M, Williamson L. Acupunct Med. 2012 Aug 20 VIEW
'All in the same boat': a qualitative study of patients' attitudes and experiences in group acupuncture clinics. Asprey A, Paterson C, White A. Acupunct Med. 2012 Aug 20 VIEW
Group acupuncture for knee pain: evaluation of a cost-saving initiative in the health service. White A, Richardson M, Richmond P, Freedman J, Bevis M. Acupunct Med. 2012 Aug 20 VIEW
A novel spatiotemporal muscle activity imaging approach based on the Extended Kalman Filter. Wang J, Zhang Y, Zhu X, Zhou P, Liu C, Rymer WZ. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug 20 VIEW
The Effects of Yoga on Physical Functioning and Health Related Quality of Life in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Patel NK, Newstead AH, Ferrer RL. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 21 VIEW
Effects of Yoga on Psychologic Function and Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Zhang J, Yang KH, Tian JH, Wang CM. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 21 VIEW
Effect of Yoga on Cognitive Abilities In Schoolchildren from a Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Background: A Randomized Controlled Study. Chaya MS, Nagendra H, Selvam S, Kurpad A, Srinivasan K. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 21 VIEW
Ageing: Telomere length is inversely correlated with risk of dementia and mortality. [No authors listed] Nat Rev Neurol. 2012 Aug 21 VIEW
Acupuncture for treatment of hospital-induced constipation in children: a retrospective case series study. Anders EF, Findeisen A, Nowak A, Rüdiger M, Usichenko TI. Acupunct Med. 2012 Aug 21 VIEW
[Working in the magnetic field of ultrahigh field MRI.] Leitgeb N, Gombotz H. Anaesthesist. 2012 Aug 22 VIEW
Analysis of Multifrequency Impedance of Biologic Active Points Using a Dry Electrode System. Kim MS, Cho YC, Seo ST, Son CS, Kim YN. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 22 VIEW
Is there a role for acupuncture in the treatment of tendinopathy? Neal BS, Longbottom J. Acupunct Med. 2012 Aug 23 VIEW
Differential Autonomic Response to Acupuncture at Wood and Metal of Five-Shu Acupoints. Choi W, Lee S, Cho S, Park K. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 23 VIEW
Foot Forces Induced through Tai Chi Push-Hand Exercises. Wong SH, Ji T, Hong Y, Fok SL, Wang L. J Appl Biomech. 2012 Aug 23 VIEW
Effects of low frequency electromagnetic field on proliferation of human epidermal stem cells: An in vitro study. Zhang M, Li X, Bai L, Uchida K, Bai W, Wu B, Xu W, Zhu H, Huang H. Bioelectromagnetics. 2012 Aug 24 VIEW
Electromagnetic fields instantaneously modulate nitric oxide signaling in challenged biological systems. Pilla AA. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012 Aug 24 VIEW
Evaluation of Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life and Cost Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials. Zhang F, Kong LL, Zhang YY, Li SC. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 27 VIEW
The Role of Telomere Biology in Cancer. Xu L, Li S, Stohr BA. Annu Rev Pathol. 2012 Aug 28 VIEW
Effects of Participation in a Mindfulness Program for Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. Kearney DJ, McDermott K, Malte C, Martinez M, Simpson TL. J Clin Psychol. 2012 Aug 28 VIEW
Transducing Bioelectric Signals into Epigenetic Pathways During Tadpole Tail Regeneration. Tseng AS, Levin M. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2012 Aug 29 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of the effects of listening to non-commercial music on quality of nocturnal sleep and relaxation indices in patients in medical intensive care unit. Su CP, Lai HL, Chang ET, Yiin LM, Perng SJ, Chen PW. J Adv Nurs. 2012 Aug 29 VIEW
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