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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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104 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
Effect of non-contact therapeutic touch on the healing rate of full thickness dermal wounds Wirth DP Subtle Energies 1990 VIEW
Effect of Therapeutic Touch in Patients with Cancer: a Literature Review. Tabatabaee A1, Tafreshi MZ2, Rassouli M3, Aledavood SA4, AlaviMajd H5, Farahmand SK6 Med Arch. 2016 Apr VIEW
Effect of therapeutic touch on brain activation of preterm infants in response to sensory punctate stimulus: a near-infrared spectroscopy-based study. Honda N, Ohgi S, Wada N, Loo KK, Higashimoto Y, Fukuda K. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2012 Jul 21 VIEW
Effect of therapeutic touch on daytime sleepiness, stress and fatigue among students of nursing and midwifery: A randomized sham-controlled trial Birgül Vural Doğru1, Hediye Utli2, Fisun Şenuzun Aykar3 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2021 Jan 29 VIEW
Effect of Therapeutic Touch on Sleep Quality in Elders Living at Nursing Homes. Bağcı H1, Çınar Yücel Ş2 J Relig Health. 2019 May 6 VIEW
Effect of therapeutic touch on the well-being of persons with terminal cancer Giasson M//ouchard L J Holist Nurs 1998 VIEW
Effects of dialogue and therapeutic touch on preoperative and postoperative experiences of breast cancer surgery: an exploratory study Samarel N//Fawcett J//Davis MM//Ryan FM Oncol Nurs Forum 1998 VIEW
Effects of Hand Massage and Therapeutic Touch on Comfort and Anxiety Living in a Nursing Home in Turkey: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Yücel ŞÇ1, Arslan GG2, Bagci H1 J Relig Health. 2019 Apr 13 VIEW
Effects of integrating therapeutic touch into a cognitive behavioral pain treatment program. Report of a pilot clinical trial Smith DW//Arnstein P//Rosa KC//Wells-Federman C J Holist Nurs 2002 VIEW
Effects of therapeutic touch in reducing pain and anxiety in an elderly population Lin Y//Taylor AG Integrative Medicine 1998 VIEW
Effects of Therapeutic Touch on Anxiety, Vital Signs, and Cardiac Dysrhythmia in a Sample of Iranian Women Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Zolfaghari M, Eybpoosh S, Hazrati M. J Holist Nurs. 2012 Jul 24 VIEW
Effects of therapeutic touch on biochemical and mood indicators in women Lafreniere KD//Mutus B//Cameron S//Tannous M//// J Altern Complement Med 1999 VIEW
Efficacy of therapeutic touch in treating pregnant inpatients who have a chemical dependency Larden CN//Palmer ML//Janssen P J Holist Nurs 2004 VIEW
Evidence-based practice and reviews of therapeutic touch O'Mathuna DP J Nurs Scholarsh 2000 VIEW
Experiences of administering and receiving therapeutic touch in intensive care Cox C//Hayes J Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery 1998 VIEW
External qi healing: therapeutic Chinese touch Cohen KS The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness 1993 VIEW
Four hugs a day using therapeutic touch Mooney A Br J Theatre Nurs 1995 VIEW
Investigating the effect of therapeutic touch on the intensity of acute chemotherapy-induced vomiting in breast cancer women under chemotherapy. Matourypour P1, Vanaki Z2, Zare Z3, Mehrzad V4, Dehghan M5, Ranjbaran M6 Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2016 May-Jun VIEW
Is the Human Touch Always Therapeutic? Patient Stimulation and Spreading Depolarization after Acute Neurological Injuries Andrew P Carlson1, Herbert T Davis2, Thomas Jones3, K C Brennan4, Michel Torbey5, Rosstin Ahmadian6, Fares Qeadan7, C William Shuttleworth8 Transl Stroke Res 2022 Apr 2 VIEW
Large clinical study shows value of therapeutic touch program Newshan G//Schuller-Civitella D Holist Nurs Pract 2003 VIEW
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