Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19095 abstracts.
Showing results per page.
Title Author Journal Date
Music in intervention for children and adolescents with autism: a meta-analysis Whipple J J Music Ther 2004 VIEW
The effects of background music on quality of sleep in elementary school children Tan LP J Music Ther 2004 VIEW
Mozart versus new age music: relaxation states, stress, and ABC relaxation theory Smith JC//Joyce CA J Music Ther 2004 VIEW
Music preference and relaxation in Taiwanese elderly people Lai HL Geriatr Nurs 2004 VIEW
Sedative music reduces anxiety and pain during chair rest after open-heart surgery Voss JA//Good M//Yates B//Baun MM//// Pain 2004 VIEW
Effects of music on major depression in psychiatric inpatients Hsu WC//Lai HL Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2004 VIEW
Anxiety during the performance of colonoscopies: modification using music therapy Andrada JM//Vidal AA//Aguilar-Tablada TC//Reina IG//// Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004 VIEW
Harmonic sounds: complementary medicine for the critically ill Cardozo M Br J Nurs 2004 VIEW
Massage therapy of moderate and light pressure and vibrator effects on EEG and heart rate Diego MA//Field T//Sanders C//Hernandez-Reif M Int J Neurosci 2004 VIEW
A randomized clinical trial of the treatment effects of massage compared to relaxation tape recordings on diffuse long-term pain Hasson D//Arnetz B//Jelveus L//Edelstam B Psychother Psychosom 2004 VIEW
Korean hand acupressure for motion sickness in prehospital trauma care: a prospective, randomized, double-blinded trial in a geriatric population Bertalanffy P//Hoerauf K//Fleischhackl R//Strasser H//// Anesth Analg 2004 VIEW
A meta-analysis of massage therapy research Moyer CA//Rounds J//Hannum JW Psychol Bull 2004 VIEW
[Treatment and mechanism study of electromagnetic stimulation and vibrational massage for patients with ejaculatory incompetence][Article in Chinese] Meng Z//Wang Z Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi 2004 VIEW
Effects of leg massage on recovery from high intensity cycling exercise Robertson A//Watt JM//Galloway SD Br J Sports Med 2004 VIEW
Physical activity combined with massage improves bone mineralization in premature infants: a randomized trial Aly H//Moustafa MF//Hassanein SM//Massaro AN//Amer HA//// J Perinatol 2004 VIEW
Composition of milk obtained from unmassaged versus massaged breasts of lactating mothers Foda MI//Kawashima T//Nakamura S//Kobayashi M//// J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2004 VIEW
Aromatherapy and massage for symptom relief in patients with cancer Fellowes D//Barnes K//Wilkinson S Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004 VIEW
Effect of massage on blood flow and muscle fatigue following isometric lumbar exercise Mori H//Ohsawa H//Tanaka TH//Taniwaki E//// Med Sci Monit 2004 VIEW
Providing Complementary and Alternative Medicine in primary care: the primary care workers' perspective van Haselen RA//Reiber U//Nickel I//Jakob A//// Complement Ther Med 2004 VIEW
A survey of patients' out-of-pocket payments for complementary and alternative medicine therapies Bridevaux IP Complement Ther Med 2004 VIEW
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