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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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409 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
On the Origin of Interoception Erik Ceunen1, Johan W S Vlaeyen2, Ilse Van Diest2 Front Psychol 2016 May 23 VIEW
Interoception and social cognition in chronic low back pain: a common inference disturbance? An exploratory study Florent El Grabli1,2, François Quesque1, Céline Borg3,4, Michael Witthöft5, George A Michael6, Christian Lucas2, Florence Pasquier1, Thibaud Lebouvier1, Maxime Bertoux1 Pain Manag 2021 Dec 11 VIEW
To breathe or not to breathe: Interoceptive predictions in an anxious brain Valentina Jelinčić1, Andreas von Leupoldt2 Neuron 2021 Dec 15 VIEW
Beneficial Effects and Potential Mechanisms of Tai Chi on Lower Limb Osteoarthritis: A Biopsychosocial Perspective Shu-Zhao Zhuang1, Pei-Jie Chen1, Jia Han1, Wei-Hua Xiao2 Chin J Integr Med 2021 Dec 18 VIEW
Where is emotional feeling felt in the body? An integrative review Steven Davey1, Jamin Halberstadt2, Elliot Bell3 PLoS One 2021 Dec 22 VIEW
Interoception as modeling, allostasis as control Eli Sennesh1, Jordan Theriault1, Dana Brooks1, Jan-Willem van de Meent1, Lisa Feldman Barrett1, Karen S Quigley1 Biol Psychol 2021 Dec 20 VIEW
Interoception as modeling, allostasis as control Eli Sennesh1, Jordan Theriault1, Dana Brooks1, Jan-Willem van de Meent1, Lisa Feldman Barrett1, Karen S Quigley1 Biol Psychol 2021 Dec 20 VIEW
Distortion of mental body representations Matthew R Longo1 Trends Cogn Sci 2021 Dec 21 VIEW
Five weeks of intermittent transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation shape neural networks: a machine learning approach Martina A Obst1, Arkan Al-Zubaidi2, Marcus Heldmann1, Janis Marc Nolde3, Nick Blümel4, Swantje Kannenberg4, Thomas F Münte5,6 Brain Imaging Behav 2021 Dec 29 VIEW
Towards a comprehensive assessment of interoception in a multi-dimensional framework Chatrin Suksasilp1, Sarah N Garfinkel2 Biol Psychol 2022 Jan 10 VIEW
Simulating homeostatic, allostatic and goal-directed forms of interoceptive control using active inference Alexander Tschantz1, Laura Barca2, Domenico Maisto3, Christopher L Buckley4, Anil K Seth5, Giovanni Pezzulo6 Biol Psychol 2022 Jan 17 VIEW
Internal senses of the vagus nerve Sara L Prescott1, Stephen D Liberles2 Neuron 2022 Jan 11 VIEW
To thine own self be true: interoceptive accuracy and interpersonal problems Wendy D'Andrea1, Nadia Nieves2, Treva Van Cleave3 Borderline Personal Disord Emot Dysregul 2022 Feb 1 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi on the neuromuscular function of the patients with functional ankle instability: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Huiru Tang1, Min Mao2, Daniel T P Fong3, Qipeng Song1, Yan Chen1, Zhipeng Zhou1, Cui Zhang4, Jiangna Wang1, Xuewen Tian1, Wei Sun5 Trials 2022 Feb 2 VIEW
Interoceptive awareness in anorexia nervosa Andrea Phillipou1, Susan L Rossell2, David J Castle3, Caroline Gurvich4 J Psychiatr Res 2022 Jan 30 VIEW
Proprioception: a new look at an old concept Martin E Heroux1,2, Annie A Butler1,2, Lucy S Robertson1,2, Georgia Fisher1, Simon C Gandevia1,3 J Appl Physiol (1985) 2022 Feb 10 VIEW
What Do Measures of Self-Report Interoception Measure? Insights from A Systematic Review, Latent Factor Analysis, and Network Approach Olivier Desmedt1, Alexandre Heeren2, Olivier Corneille3, Olivier Luminet4 Biol Psychol 2022 Feb 9 VIEW
The Lonely Brain - Associations Between Social Isolation and (Cerebro-) Vascular Disease From the Perspective of Social Neuroscience Janine Gronewold1, Miriam Engels2 Front Integr Neurosci 2022 Jan 28 VIEW
From the inside out: Interoceptive feedback facilitates the integration of visceral signals for efficient sensory processing: Interoceptive feedback facilitates sensory processing Amanda C Marshall1, Antje Gentsch-Ebrahimzadeh1, Simone Schütz-Bosbach1 Neuroimage 2022 Feb 16 VIEW
Pain in relationship to Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Henk M Koning1, Bas C Ter Meulen2 Int Tinnitus J 2022 Mar 3 VIEW
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