Closed-loop optogenetic control of thalamus as a tool for interrupting seizures after cortical injury.

Author: Paz JT, Davidson TJ, Frechette ES, Delord B, Parada I, Peng K, Deisseroth K, Huguenard JR.
Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, USA.
Conference/Journal: Nat Neurosci.
Date published: 2013 Jan
Other: Volume ID: 16 , Issue ID: 1 , Pages: 64-70 , Special Notes: doi: 10.1038/nn.3269 , Word Count: 198

Cerebrocortical injuries such as stroke are a major source of disability. Maladaptive consequences can result from post-injury local reorganization of cortical circuits. For example, epilepsy is a common sequela of cortical stroke, but the mechanisms responsible for seizures following cortical injuries remain unknown. In addition to local reorganization, long-range, extra-cortical connections might be critical for seizure maintenance. In rats, we found that the thalamus, a structure that is remote from, but connected to, the injured cortex, was required to maintain cortical seizures. Thalamocortical neurons connected to the injured epileptic cortex underwent changes in HCN channel expression and became hyperexcitable. Targeting these neurons with a closed-loop optogenetic strategy revealed that reducing their activity in real-time was sufficient to immediately interrupt electrographic and behavioral seizures. This approach is of therapeutic interest for intractable epilepsy, as it spares cortical function between seizures, in contrast with existing treatments, such as surgical lesioning or drugs.
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The following popper user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version.Destroy user interface controlEpilepsy: shining a light on seizure control-optogenetic approach shows promise for treatment and prevention of epilepsies. [Nat Rev Neurol. 2013]
PMID: 23143518