Author: Zhao Shan//Mao Xiaoyn//Zhao Bangzhu//Li Zhaohui//Zhou Deohung
Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guizhou Province, China [1]
Conference/Journal: 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong
Date published: 1988
Pages: 46 , Word Count: 825
These experiments were made to observe the inhibitory effect of the emitted qi from different qigong doctors on transplanted malignant tumors in mice.
Experiment I was designed for the purpose of observing the effect of the emitted qi in diminishing ascitic cancer (EAC) cells in lab beakers.
Ascitic fluid was aspirated from mice which had been transplanted with ascitic cancer (EAC) for 7 days. After being diluted with normal saline to a concentration of 188xlOexp5 cells/ml, the fluid was divided into two equal portions kept under the same condition. One of the portions was treated with the emitted qi for an hour, and the other portion remained untreated for control. Sample fluid was taken from both portions I hour (that is, immediately after the treatment with the emitted qi), 12 hours and 21 hours later and stained with trypan blue so as to count the surviving cells. The same experiment was done four times. The results showed that the average number of the surviving cells in the control portion was greater than that in the experimental portion each time. The number of cancer cells in the experimental portion sharply decreased during the hour when the emitted qi was exercised onto the fluid, the diminishing rate being 20%, 6.6 times as high as that in the control portion (P<0.01). The reduction peak appeared in 1-12 hours, occurring much earlier than that in the control portion which appeared in 12-24 hours. This experiment suggests that the emitted qi may directly eliminate cancer cells, thus accelerating the cancer cell-diminishing process in conditions outside the animal body. After the period of qi emission, the rate of cancer cell diminution of both the experimental group and the control group tended to be in conformity with each other.
Experiment 2 was designed for the purpose of observing the effect of the emitted qi in inhibiting ascitic cancer (EAC) cells in the mouse body.
20 mice (all male, weighing 18-22g) were randomly separated into 4 groups of 5 each. Three of the groups were used for experiments, the remaining one group for control. All the mice were injected with ascitic cancer (EAC) fluid (concentration 27 X 10exp6 cells/ml;
dosage 0.l ml/lO g body weight). The experimental groups were respectively treated with the emitted qi produced by three qigong doctors for 7 days, once (every?) 2 days, 20 minutes a time for groups 1 and 2, and 10 minutes a time for group 3.
The mice were killed on the 14th day, and the ascitic fluid of each mouse was collected and stained with trypan blue. By measuring the amount of the fluid and counting the number of cancer cells, it was observed that the fluid volume of experimental groups was smaller than that of the control group, (the average value of diminution of each group was as follows respectively 1.68 ml, 2.8 ml, and 1.44 ml) and the cancer cell number (concentration x fluid volume) of Group 1 and Group 2 was both less (the average value of diminution of Group 1 being 1612.2XlOexp5 and that of Group, being 2639.96 X 10exp5) than that of the control group, displaying a notable distinction (P<O.01); the cell number of Group 3 was also less though no statistical difference was evident. The result indicates that all qigong doctors emitted qi can inhibit EAC cancer cells when powerful enough to be effective, no matter whether the qigong exercise is of the same or not.
Hb, RBC and WBC of the blood were also examined. It was proved that the amount of Hb and number of RBC in the experimental groups were both slightly greater than those of the control group, though this was of no statistic significance, and that the average WBC count of Groups 1 and 2 and 3 was obviously higher than that of the control group, being respectively 4.2, 3.9 and 1.9 times of Group 4 (the control group). This suggests that the emitted qi may have the effect of reinforcing the immunity of mice.
Experiment 3 was designed for the purpose of observing the inhibiting effect of the emitted qi on S(180) sarcoma in mice. Suspension of S(180) sarcoma cells diluted with normal saline (1 :3) was injected hypodermically at the armpits of 19 mice (dosage 0.1 ml/ lO g body weight), which were then randomly divided into two groups (7 in one group for experiment and 12 in the other for control). The smaller group was treated with the emitted qi for 10 days, once a day, 20 minutes a time. On the l4th day all the mice were killed and the tumors were removed and weighed with an analytic balance. It was revealed that the average weight of the tumors taken from the mice of the treated group was 901.8 mg while that of the untreated group was 1719. 2 mg, presenting a difference of 817.4 mg (P<O.05).
These experiments proved that the emitted qi generated by different qigong doctors had the effect of inhibiting transplanted malignant tumors in mice, and this effect might be partly due to direct elimination of the cancer cells and partly due to reinforcement of the immunity of the animal.