Tai Chi Chuan practice in community-dwelling persons after stroke.

Author: Hart J, Kanner H, Gilboa-Mayo R, Haroeh-Peer O, Rozenthul-Sorokin N, Eldar R
Loewenstein Hospital Rehabilitation Center, Raanana, Israel
Conference/Journal: Int J Rehabil Res.
Date published: 2004 Dec
Other: Volume ID: 27 , Issue ID: 4 , Pages: 303-4 , Word Count: 119

Eighteen community-dwelling first-stroke survivors, aged 45 to 65, underwent following examinations: Romberg\'s Test, standing on the unaffected leg, Emory Fractional Ambulation Profile, the Berg Balance Test, the Timed \'Up and Go\' Test and the Duke Health Profile. They were then randomly divided into two matched groups of 9 subjects each. The study group (SG) received Tai Chi exercises and the control group (CG) physiotherapy exercises focused on improvement of balance, both groups for 1 h twice weekly for 12 weeks. On completion of exercises, SG subjects showed improvement in social and general functioning whereas CG subjects showed improvement in balance and speed of walking. It is concluded that there are potential and no adverse effects in Tai Chi practice in stroke survivors.