Evaluation of Non-contact Healing Using Biophotons

Author: Hideyuki KOKUBO, Mikio YAMAMOTO and Kimiko KAWANO
Conference/Journal: Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS)
Date published: September 2006
Other: Volume ID: 24 , Issue ID: 2 , Word Count: 142

This study evaluates the effect of non-contact healing such as laying-on-of-hands and prayer using biophotons. Pairs of samples of Cucumis sativus were measured by a highly sensitive detector for 18 h, and the intensity of biophotons from the experimental sample was compared with the control. Measurements were done for three groups, non-treatment, healing, and thermal treatment, in which experimental samples were stressed by a heat pool at 40??C. There was no difference in the intensity between the experimental and control samples in the non-treatment and thermal treatment groups. However, in the healing group, the intensity of biophotons from the experimental samples was significantly greater than the control samples (p = 0.002, two-tailed paired t-test). In addition, quantitative evaluation for the effect of non-contact healing was possible by using, as an index, a logarithm of the ratio of intensities of biophotons from experimental and control samples.