[Neurorehabilitation in Parkinson's disease : focus on physical therapy]

Author: André Zacharia1,2,3, Quentin Lheureux4, Claude Vaney1
1 Service de neurologie, Clinique bernoise Montana, 3963 Crans-Montana.
2 Service de neurologie, Département des neurosciences cliniques, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, 1011 Lausanne.
3 Département des neurosciences cliniques, Faculté de médecine, Université de Genève, 1211 Genève 4.
4 Physiothérapeute, Clinique bernoise Montana, 3963 Crans-Montana.
Conference/Journal: Rev Med Suisse
Date published: 2025 Jan 22
Other: Volume ID: 21 , Issue ID: 902 , Pages: 105-107 , Special Notes: doi: 10.53738/REVMED.2025.21.902.105. , Word Count: 98

Parkinson's disease affects around 6 million people worldwide. It causes both motor and non-motor symptoms. Since there is no cure, medical treatment aims to improve patients' quality of life. Combined with drug treatment, neurorehabilitation plays a major role in this field, thanks to its multidisciplinary approach. Practices such as physical therapy, Tai Chi, dance, and music therapy have shown positive results throughout the course of the disease. In addition, innovations such as augmented reality or specific treadmill training have interesting potential. However, further research is needed to refine therapeutic strategies and optimize the effectiveness of treatments.

PMID: 39846091 DOI: 10.53738/REVMED.2025.21.902.105