Traditional Chinese Rehabilitation Exercise (TCRE) for Myofascial Pain: Current Evidence and Further Challenges

Author: Xueen Liu1, Fang Pan1, Qingmei Wang1, Shuai Wang1, Jiale Zhang2
1 Department of Nursing, Beijing Hepingli Hospital, Beijing, People's Republic of China.
2 Institute of Basic Theory for Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing, People's Republic of China.
Conference/Journal: J Pain Res
Date published: 2024 Aug 28
Other: Volume ID: 17 , Pages: 2801-2810 , Special Notes: doi: 10.2147/JPR.S482424. , Word Count: 197

Myofascial as a holistic structure emphasizes a holistic approach to intervention and treatment of fascial-related disorders such as neck pain (NP), low back pain (LBP), and knee pain. There are currently adverse effects of medication for diseases related to myofascial. Traditional Chinese rehabilitation exercise (TCRE) is a practical approach to traditional Chinese medicine and is a valuable option for intervening in myofascial-related pain. This article found some research evidence for Baduanjin, Wuqinxi, and Yijinjing in clinical studies of myofascial chain-related pain. The article summarizes the current evidence and finds that TCRE can enhance limb movement function through breathing and slow movements, increase joint movement and flexibility, and reduce joint pathology and stress-induced pain. As for future directions, focus on TCRE in improving the health of older adults and treating long-COVID syndrome, and integrate robotic and TCRE training to frame safe and effective exercise models. Relevant studies have already been registered in the Clinical Trials Registry, and some clinical study protocols have been published. TCRE can be an alternative nonpharmacological rehabilitation therapy to alleviate chronic rheumatic pain symptoms and augment public health management.

Keywords: myofascial chain; pain; rehabilitation; traditional Chinese rehabilitation exercise.

PMID: 39220224 PMCID: PMC11366241 DOI: 10.2147/JPR.S482424