A Perspective on the Identity of the Acupoint

Author: Bong Hyo Lee1
1 Department of Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Acupoint, College of Korean Medicine, Daegu Haany University, Daegu, Korea.
Conference/Journal: J Acupunct Meridian Stud
Date published: 2024 Aug 31
Other: Volume ID: 17 , Issue ID: 4 , Pages: 111-115 , Special Notes: doi: 10.51507/j.jams.2024.17.4.111. , Word Count: 141

Recently, several previously undiscussed concerns in acupuncture research have been brought to light. Among these, the core issue stems from the ambiguity surrounding the identity of acupoints. Hence, the question "What is the identity of acupoints?" remains of particular importance in acupuncture research. To answer this question, we reviewed the original concept of acupoints explained in Oriental medicine, from which acupuncture treatment originated, and examined scientific research on acupuncture and acupoints. We then proposed a perspective on the identity of acupoints and speculated about a possible reason for their elusive nature: qi, which congregates at and flows in and out of acupoints, might be bioelectricity, making these points inherently difficult to measure anatomically or histologically. Consequently, acupoints are suggested to be spaces where bioelectricity congregates, thus inevitably exhibiting electrical characteristics.

Keywords: Acupoint; Acupuncture; Anatomy; Bioelectricity; Function; Qi.

PMID: 39205613 DOI: 10.51507/j.jams.2024.17.4.111