Author: Omura Y
Conference/Journal: 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf
Date published: 2001
Special Notes: Sponsored by the East West Academy of Healing Arts, 530 Bush Street, Suite 202, SF, CA 94108 , Word Count: 260
Our studies indicate that those who have (-) Qi-Syndrome and Electro-Magnetic Field Hypersensitivity have excessive deposits of Al, Hg, and Pb with viral and/or bacterial infection and have a marked decrease in acetylcholine in the brain, particularly in the Hippocampus area. We also found that these abnormalities are commonly found in patients with Alzheimer’s, pre-Alzheimer’s, Autism and Attention Deficit Disorder. In these patients, to remove these abnormally deposited metals, Cilantro is given with the Selective Drug Uptake Enhancement Method to selectively deliver the Cilantro to the brain with various stimulation, including acupuncture, application of (+) Qigong or (+) Qigong energy stored paper. If a significant amount of this metal diminishes from the brain, particularly from the Hippocampus area, abnormally reduced acetylcholine frequently increases significantly with corresponding short-term memory improvement in pre-Alzheimer’s Syndrome, Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder as well as decrease in (-)Qi-Syndrome and Electro-Magnetic Field Hypersensitivity. Therefore, this method can be used as a safe and effective new treatment for these intractable medical problems. It is postulated that excessive deposits of metal in the brain function as numerous miro-antennae which absorb the environmental electro-magnetic field and create Electro-Magnetic Field Hypersensitivity , (-) Qi Syndrome and a decrease in Acetylcholine. The decrease in Acetylcholine below 1/3 1/5 of the normal concentration usually results in a significant disturbance of the normal brain functions. If this happens in the Hippocampus area, then short term memory will be inhibited. In addition, if there is also a bacterial or viral infection, then brain function is further disrupted and the condition becomes an intractable medical problem.