Electromagnetic and magnetic vector potential bio-information and water.

Author: Smith CW1.
Conference/Journal: Homeopathy.
Date published: 2015 Oct
Other: Volume ID: 104 , Issue ID: 4 , Pages: 301-4 , Special Notes: doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2015.08.006 , Word Count: 254

This work developed over the past 40 years starting from dielectric measurements on enzymes and the subsequent finding that the measurements were affected by electric, magnetic, electromagnetic fields and quantum fields. A request for help in the diagnosis and therapy of chemically sensitive patients who had become sensitive to their electromagnetic environment came in 1982. The same symptoms could be provoked by a chemical or a frequency challenge and this led to an appreciation of the synergy between chemical and frequency environmental sensitivities. Experimental cooperation with theoretical physicist Herbert Fröhlich FRS and others led to an understanding of the physics of coherent water in living systems and a mechanism for the memory of water for coherent frequencies. In a coherent system there are interacting frequencies proportionate to any velocity the system will support, in particular the velocity of light and the velocity of coherence diffusion. Thus, there can be biological interaction between the optical, microwave and ELF spectral regions. Frequency modulation of light scattered by bio-fields and its retention in recorded images is discussed. A 'nil-potent' frequency can erase a frequency signature and thence affect a biological system. Homeopathy is interpreted through the biological effects of coherent frequencies derived from the frequency signature of the 'Mother Tincture' and developed through dilution and succussion. A homeopathic potency has a frequency signature therefore it must be able to have a biological effect.
Copyright © 2015 The Faculty of Homeopathy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bio-information; Electromagnetic fields; Magnetic vector potential; Ultra High Dilution; Water
PMID: 26678733