Context-Dependent Neural Activation: Internally and Externally Guided Rhythmic Lower Limb Movement in Individuals With and Without Neurodegenerative Disease.

Author: Hackney ME1, Lee HL2, Battisto J2, Crosson B3, McGregor KM3.
1Atlanta VA Center for Visual and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation , Decatur, GA , USA ; Division of General Medicine and Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, Emory School of Medicine , Atlanta, GA , USA. 2Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Emory University , Atlanta, GA , USA. 3Atlanta VA Center for Visual and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation , Decatur, GA , USA ; Department of Neurology, Emory School of Medicine , Atlanta, GA , USA.
Conference/Journal: Front Neurol.
Date published: 2015 Dec 2
Other: Volume ID: 6 , Pages: 251 , Special Notes: doi: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00251. , Word Count: 301

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that has received considerable attention in allopathic medicine over the past decades. However, it is clear that, to date, pharmacological and surgical interventions do not fully address symptoms of PD and patients' quality of life. As both an alternative therapy and as an adjuvant to conventional approaches, several types of rhythmic movement (e.g., movement strategies, dance, tandem biking, and Tai Chi) have shown improvements to motor symptoms, lower limb control, and postural stability in people with PD (1-6). However, while these programs are increasing in number, still little is known about the neural mechanisms underlying motor improvements attained with such interventions. Studying limb motor control under task-specific contexts can help determine the mechanisms of rehabilitation effectiveness. Both internally guided (IG) and externally guided (EG) movement strategies have evidence to support their use in rehabilitative programs. However, there appears to be a degree of differentiation in the neural substrates involved in IG vs. EG designs. Because of the potential task-specific benefits of rhythmic training within a rehabilitative context, this report will consider the use of IG and EG movement strategies, and observations produced by functional magnetic resonance imaging and other imaging techniques. This review will present findings from lower limb imaging studies, under IG and EG conditions for populations with and without movement disorders. We will discuss how these studies might inform movement disorders rehabilitation (in the form of rhythmic, music-based movement training) and highlight research gaps. We believe better understanding of lower limb neural activity with respect to PD impairment during rhythmic IG and EG movement will facilitate the development of novel and effective therapeutic approaches to mobility limitations and postural instability.
Parkinson’s disease; externally cued; internally guided; lower limb; motor control; neuroimaging; rhythm
PMID: 26696952 [PubMed] PMCID: PMC4667008 Free PMC Article