Camp Hope: Integrating Tai Chi and Humanbecoming in a Camp for Children.

Author: Delis PC1, Leger RR1, Longton F2, Chandler DL3.
1Salem State University, Salem, MA. 2HOPE for Kids Program Director; House of Peace and Education, Inc., Gardner, MA. 3Eagles Quest Tai Chi, Connecticut.
Conference/Journal: Nurs Sci Q.
Date published: 2015 Oct
Other: Volume ID: 28 , Issue ID: 4 , Pages: 322-4 , Special Notes: doi: 10.1177/0894318415599221 , Word Count: 110

his article is about Camp Hope, a two-week summer day program for children age 6-12 from low income families and violent neighborhoods and for children who are struggling academically or identified as having behavioral health issues. The camp is operated by House of Peace and Education (HOPE) a 501(c)(3) nonprofit company that began in 1996. The program is designed to offer enrichment activities in a caring community for young children. The theoretical framework behind the vision and policies is Parse's humanbecoming paradigm. In particular, the camp administrators and staff try to see all persons as co-creating of their everchanging humanuniverse process.
© The Author(s) 2015.
Camp Nursing; Humanbecoming; Tai Chi
PMID: 26396217