Hardware and Software realization of EDSD for Acupuncture Research and Practice.

Author: Duchon F, Fico T, Dubravsky J.
Conference/Journal: IEEE J Biomed Health Inform.
Date published: 2013 Oct 17
Other: Word Count: 109

Traditional acupuncture as a diagnostic and therapeutic method has been known in China for more than 3000 years. Electrodermal screening tests (EDSTs) and electrodermal screening devices (EDSDs) that are based on the knowledge derived from traditional Chinese medicine appeared in the 1950s. This article deals with design, development and realization of such a device. The design considers the principles of two widely used EDSTs and modern trends in the field of electronics and data management. A computer program with simple user interface that provides graphic evaluation and intercomparison of measured data is presented. The designed system is suitable not only for acupuncture research but also for ordinary acupuncture diagnostics.
PMID: 24235256