Author: Li Ziran 1//Liu Fangying 2//Zhou Renyeng 2
Affiliation: Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tainjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tainjin, China [1] //Tianjin Thorax Surgery Hospital, Tianjin, China [2]
Conference/Journal: 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong
Date published: 1988
Pages: 109 , Word Count: 545
This paper deals with the clinical observation and mechanism of the incurable chronic respiratory diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary emphysema and cor pulmonale, treated by drugs and qigong exercise. Better results have been obtained. In contrast to the group treated with drugs only, a remarkable difference can be noted (the course of disease and other conditions of both groups are similar). The statistically trustworthy data from 30 cases are as follows (the course of treatment was all for 3 months).
Table 1. Rate of Effectiveness
Group Cases Temporary Marked Improvement Failure
Combined therapy 20 5(25%) 8(40%) 7(35%) 0
Drug G 10 2(20%) 3(30%) 4(40%) 1(10%)
1. Analysis of symptoms:
In comparison with the two groups, the rate of effectiveness is approximate, but more symptoms disappeared in the group treated with the combined therapy and the condition was better than the control too.
Table 2
Symptom | Cough | Expectoration of | Asthma
Disappear 16(80%) 4(40%) 8(40%) 2(20%) 7(35%) 3(30%)
Improve 3(15%) 5(50%) 9(45%) 6(60%) 10(50%) 5(50%)
No Change 1(5%) 1(10%) 3(15%) 2(20%) 3(15%) 2(20%)
C = Combined therapy group
D = Drug group
B = B-group
2. Alternation of signs:
The improvement of the group treated by the combined therapy was more significant than the control in every aspect of signs. After having practised the exercise, the patient felt his condition greatly improved than before. This suggests a clear difference statistically, as shown in table 3.
General condition (appetite, sleep, spirit, energy)
Combined Therapy G Drug G
Marked Improvement 8(90%) 2(20%)
Improvement 2(10%) 6(60%)
No Change 0 2 (20 %)
Table 3
Items Breathing Freq.(time/m.) H.R(time/m.)
_____________________________________________ _________________________________
Group Before After Before After
treatment treatment treatment treatment
_____________________________________________ __________________________________
Combined G.therapy 19.3 6.6 89.1 73
Drug G 20.1 18.2 89 87.4
Items Rates BT (*) AT (*)
Group Disappear | Decrease |No change | L | R || R | L
Combined therapy 15(75%) (15%) 2(10%) 2.18 2.07 5.94 5.62
Drug G. 4(40%) 5(50%) 1(10%) 3.3 2.5
(*) Mediastinum muscle motoricity(cm) %
BT = before treatment
AT = after treatment
L = left
R = right
The result shows that the various indices of the function of immunity and lungs and the blood mucosity of the lab before and after the exercise have been improved distinctively.
Table 4
Phagocytose Blood mucosity VC Load of motion . HR BT(*)
Before 52.6% 19 2578 24 5
After 77.8% 5 3008.3 7.47 2.64
P value 0.01 1. 3 P<0.01 <0.01 <0.01
(dropping down)
(*) BT = Breathing time/m.
As mentioned above, symptoms, such as cough, expectoration of phlegm and asthma, are not only controlled in the group treated with the combined therapy, but the body strength is fundamentally enhanced, immunity increased, the function of the heart and lungs improved; the lab test and other conditions are apparently improved. The method of combined treatment has much more special effect upon the disappearance of symptoms, improving the function of the heart and lungs, the general condition and prevention of the patients from relapse. Specific exercise is for a particular individual. Good result would be achieved and the course of treatment would be shortened. The mechanism of the treatment has been under discussion, but the observation from this group in the clinical experiment does prove that the qigong exercise has a significant effect on alternating the status of neencephalon, reviving the body's potential energy, developing the store capacity of pulmonum alveoli, changing the type of energy metabolism and affecting the biochemical processes. The blood mucosity may be alternated, the body resistance increased and qi reinforced. On the other hand, this method may be served as a factor to affect the physiological efficiency, to extend the contents of thorax, the amplitude of motion, to increase the moving ability of diaphragmatic muscle and improve the function of lungs.