How will telomeric complex be further contributed to our longevity? - The potential novel biomarkers of telomere complex counteracting both aging and cancer.

Author: Lu Y, Wei B, Zhang T, Chen Z, Ye J.
Affiliation: Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, 200025, China.
Conference/Journal: Protein Cell.
Date published: 2013 Jul 18
Other: Word Count: 241

With the smooth move towards the coming expected clinical reports of anticancer pharmaceutical molecules targeting telomeres and telomerase, and also with the exciting success in the extension of lifespan by regulating telomerase activity without increased onset of oncogenesis in laboratory mouse models (Garcia-Cao et al., 2006; Jaskelioff et al., 2011), we are convinced that targeting telomeres based on telomerase will be a potential approach to conquer both aging and cancer and the idea of longevity seems to be no more mysterious. More interestingly, emerging evidences from clinical research reveal that other telomeric factors, like specific telomeric binding proteins and nonspecific telomere associated proteins also show crucial importance in aging and oncogenesis. This stems from their roles in the stability of telomere structure and in the inhibition of DNA damage response at telomeres. Uncapping these proteins from chromosome ends leads to dramatic telomere loss and telomere dysfunction which is more abrupt than those induced by telomerase inactivation. Abnormal expression of these factors results in developmental failure, aging and even oncogenesis evidenced by several experimental models and clinical cases, indicating telomere specific proteins and its associated proteins have complimentary roles to telomerase in telomere protection and controlling cellular fate. Thus, these telomeric factors might be potential clinical biomarkers for early detection or even therapeutic targets of aging and cancer. Future studies to elucidate how these proteins function in telomere protection might benefit patients suffering aging or cancer who are not sensitive to telomerase mediation.
PMID: 23864530