Can't qi be monitored by electric systems?

Author: Nomura Harehido
Affiliation: Electro-technical Laboratory
Conference/Journal: Japanese Mind-Body Science
Date published: 1992
Other: Volume ID: 1 , Issue ID: 1 , Pages: 113-117 , Special Notes: Article in Japanese , Word Count: 98

Hitherto, outer qi have been received, in the bio-medical field, mainly by human bodies, but these have not yet been confirmed that the outer-qi could excite the electric measuring systems without touching any electrodes or such to the body of qi transmitter. We found that the qi irradiation induced significant changes in electric signals not only from the body who emitted qi but the person being emitted from a professional qi transmitter. These electric signal had been monitored by enlarging electric mutual impedance between the earth and the human body by 60 dB amplifications both pre and main amplifiers.