Acupuncture-Associated Pneumothorax.

Author: Ding M, Qiu Y, Jiang Z, Tang L, Jin C.
Affiliation: 1 Wuxi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Wuxi, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China .
Conference/Journal: J Altern Complement Med.
Date published: 2013 Jan 14
Other: Word Count: 160

Abstract Objectives: This article reports on a case and reviews some articles on acupuncture- induced pneumothorax published in Chinese and English medical journals since 1980. Case: A 35-year-old man presented with left chest pain and dyspnea after receiving acupuncture. The patient was later diagnosed with a 12% pneumothorax of the left lung. He was observed in an emergency room for 24 hours while being treated with oxygen, a painkiller, antibiotics, and bedrest. A follow-up computed tomography scan of his chest 1 week later showed complete resolution of the pneumothorax. Case analysis and discussion: Details of the case are analyzed. A general review of the incidence, causes, symptoms, and outcomes of acupuncture induced pneumothorax is presented. In addition, improved needling methods including needling depth and angle, together with corresponding precautions are also discussed. Conclustions: Pneumothorax caused by acupuncture therapy uncommon, but the consequences can be serious. It is important for practitioners to have adequate knowledge so they can implement better prevention of acupuncture-induced pneumothorax.
PMID: 23317392