Gentle hatha yoga and reduction of fibromyalgia-related symptoms: a preliminary report.

Author: Rudrud L.
Affiliation: Saint Mary's University of Minnesota.
Conference/Journal: Int J Yoga Therap.
Date published: 2012
Other: Issue ID: 22 , Pages: 53-8 , Word Count: 104

Objectives and Methods: This study examined whether gentle Hatha yoga reduced fibromyalgia-related symptoms for a convenience sample of 10 participants ranging in age from 39 to 64 years who received yoga instruction 2 times per week for 8 weeks. Methods: Respondents completed the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire 1 time per week and provided weekly journal reports regarding their health status. Pre- and post-intervention manual tender point evaluations were also conducted. Results: Findings provide evidence of association between participating in gentle Hatha yoga classes and reduced fibromyalgia - related symptoms. Conclusions: Additional randomized controlled trials with larger sample sizes and greater empirical rigor are needed to more fully understand this relationship.
PMID: 23070672