Musculoskeletal injuries related to yoga: imaging observations.

Author: Le Corroller T, Vertinsky AT, Hargunani R, Khashoggi K, Munk PL, Ouellette HA.
Affiliation: Department of Radiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver General Hospital, 899 West 12th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9, Canada.
Conference/Journal: AJR Am J Roentgenol.
Date published: 2012 Aug
Other: Volume ID: 199 , Issue ID: 2 , Pages: 413-8 , Word Count: 83

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to describe the imaging appearances of musculoskeletal injuries related to yoga. We performed an automated search in the database of a large tertiary care center and conducted a retrospective analysis of the imaging findings in 38 patients over a 9-year period. CONCLUSION: The most frequently encountered musculoskeletal injuries were tendinous lesions, including tears of the supraspinatus, Achilles, and peroneus brevis tendons and fibrocartilaginous tears involving the medial meniscus, acetabular labrum, glenoid labrum, and lumbar disk with extrusion.