Author: Keliang Pan//Wang Fanglin//Wu Liuzhen
Affiliation: Qigong Research Section, Shaanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xianyang 712083, China
Conference/Journal: 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong
Date published: 1993
Pages: 95 , Word Count: 106
Seventeen university student volunteers took part in the qigong exercises and experiments. Observations one month before and after qigong practice were compared and handled by statistical management. There was significant difference. The results showed that:
(l) Those who had seriously practised qigong improved their memory in various aspects (direction, numerals, order, etc.). (2) Memory of various fields was improved, lasting for 24 hours and more. (3) It not only indicated that the memory was improved after each time's practice of qigong, but also had its significance when the improvement was applied to “stress reaction”. (4) The qigong sets employed can really improve student memory. are easy to learn and popularize.