Measurement of physicological phenomena and others of qigong masters under the qigong state

Author: Machi Y
Affiliation: Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, Tokyo, Japan [1]
Conference/Journal: 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong
Date published: 1993
Other: Pages: 73 , Word Count: 302

It is quite important to measure the physiological and engineering phenomena of qigong masters for analyzing the qigong mechanism. In this report, we used the following measurements as much as possible: EEG topograph, three dimensional display of brain wave by using an IBVA, heart rate and blood pressure by a Finapres BP Monitor, breathing rate monitor through his nose by using a microphone to his nose, thermograph and also far infrared signal detection as a function of time from qigong masters.

Dynamic qigong case

When the surface temperature of his face and hands measured went up under the qigong state, the change came out from the effective spots by applying moxa. Also his heart rate and blood pressure increased about 26% and 40%, respectively, compared with his normal condition. At the same time, his breathing rate increased about 247%. Although the experiment time under the qigong state was only 90 seconds, a special oscillation about l Hz in his far-infrared radiation was detected from his palm, but it was not detected before and after. The oscillation signal wave could not pass through a 2 mm thick aluminum plate and also a 5 mm thick cardboard plate. In this case, and waves in his right side brain worked actively compared with his left side.

Static qigong case

In the static qigong case, his heart rate and blood pressure also increased about 22% and 25%, respectively, and the thermographic temperature of his face increased. In this case, it was recognized that ß wave of the brain wave vanished almost completely and the low ¶ wave increased slightly in his brain data of the IBVA. From the EEG topographic data, it was understood that the intensity of the low ¶ wave was not constant, rather it went up and down. And also, we found two voltage sources existed in the frontal right side of his brain.