[Incursion into bioelectromagnetism]

Author: Goldura N, Goţia S.
Affiliation: Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie Gr. T. Popa Iaşi Centrul Medical Launer Galaţi.
Conference/Journal: Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi.
Date published: 2010 Jan-Mar
Other: Volume ID: 114 , Issue ID: 1 , Pages: 266-70 , Special Notes: [Article in Romanian] , Word Count: 138

The term of bioelectromagnetism include electromagnetosenzitive processes at the fundamental interaction of energetical fields with the matter. The alive matter has a dynamical, chemical and energetics structure, but above all, an intense informational activity. The bioelectromagnetism was gradually discovered and understood throughout history of humanity. J. Bernstein defined the cell's bioelectricity, Wagner calculated electrical conductivity and permeability of cells, starting from the Maxwell's field equations, others discovered "mitogenetic radiation" or "dark luminescence" or "ultraweak bioluminescence" and F. A. Popp founded the biophotons theory. On the other hand, Hirata and Nakatani finded points with different electrical conductivity on the surface of the skin and Voll invented the system of electro dermal testing. The practical applications of the bioelectromagnetism are the medical devices based on bioresonance, useful in diagnosis and treatment, as shown in the 17 studies (902 patients) published in 1999-2006.