Monitoring acupuncture effects on human brain by FMRI.

Author: Hui KK, Napadow V, Liu J, Li M, Marina O, Nixon EE, Claunch JD, LaCount L, Sporko T, Kwong KK.
Affiliation: Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, MA, USA.
Conference/Journal: J Vis Exp
Date published: 2010 Apr 8
Other: Issue ID: 38 , Pages: pii: 1190. doi: 10.3791/1190. , Word Count: 108

Functional MRI is used to study the effects of acupuncture on the BOLD response and the functional connectivity of the human brain. Results demonstrate that acupuncture mobilizes a limbic-paralimbic-neocortical network and its anti-correlated sensorimotor/paralimbic network at multiple levels of the brain and that the hemodynamic response is influenced by the psychophysical response. Physiological monitoring may be performed to explore the peripheral response of the autonomic nerve function. This video describes the studies performed at LI4 (hegu), ST36 (zusanli) and LV3 (taichong), classical acupoints that are commonly used for modulatory and pain-reducing actions. Some issues that require attention in the applications of fMRI to acupuncture investigation are noted.