On Understanding the Very Different Science Premises Meaningful to CAM Versus Orthodox Medicine: Part I-The Fundamentals.

Author: Tiller WA.
Affiliation: William A. Tiller Foundation for New Science , Payson, AZ.
Conference/Journal: J Altern Complement Med
Date published: 2010 Feb 16
Other: Word Count: 262

Abstract Background: In previous articles by this author and his colleagues in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, it has been shown that physical reality consists of two uniquely different categories of substance, one being electric charge-based while the other appears to be magnetic charge-based. Normally, only the electric atom/molecule type of substance is accessible by our traditional measurement instruments. We label this condition as the uncoupled state of physical reality that is our long-studied, electric atom/molecule level of nature. The second level of physical reality is invisible to traditional measurement instruments when the system is in the uncoupled state but is accessible to these same instruments when the system is in the coupled state of physical reality. The coupling of these two unique levels has been shown to occur via the application of a sufficient intensity of human consciousness in the form of specific intentions. Part II of this article (in a forthcoming issue) explores the thermodynamics of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) through five different space-time applications involving coupled state physics to show their relevance to today\'s medicine: (1) homeopathy; (2) the placebo effect; (3) long-range, room temperature, macroscopic-size-scale, information entanglement; (4) explanation for dark matter/energy plus possible human levitation; and (5) electrodermal diagnostic devices. The purpose is to clearly differentiate the use and limitations of uncoupled state physics in nature and today\'s traditional medicine from coupled state physics in tomorrow\'s CAM. Conclusions: Existing orthodox science provides the technical underpinnings and mindset for today\'s orthodox medicine. Psycho-energetic science will provide the technical underpinnings and mindset for CAM.