Evaluation of manual acupuncture at classical and nondefined points for treatment of functional dyspepsia: a randomized-controlled trial.

Author: Park YC, Kang W, Choi SM, Son CG.
Affiliation: Department of Internal Medicine, Oriental Medical College of Daejeon University, Daejeon, South Korea.
Conference/Journal: J Altern Complement Med.
Date published: 2009 Aug
Other: Volume ID: 15 , Issue ID: 8 , Pages: 879-84 , Word Count: 158

PURPOSE: Acupuncture has been used traditionally as a treatment for functional dyspepsia (FD). The goal of this trial was to examine the efficacy of acupuncture at classical points and nondefined points as a treatment for functional dyspepsia. METHODS: Sixty-eight (68) patients with functional dyspepsia, as defined by Rome-II criteria, were randomized into two groups: classical six-point acupuncture and nondefined-point acupuncture. Acupuncture was conducted three times per week for 2 weeks in a single-blind setting. To assess the effects of acupuncture, symptoms and quality of life were scored according to the Nepean Dyspepsia Index before and after acupuncture treatments. RESULTS: Acupuncture treatment significantly decreased the dyspepsia symptoms and improved the quality of life. There was no statistical difference between the acupuncture groups treated at classical and nondefined points. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that both acupunctures at classical points and nondefined points improved the symptoms of patients with FD. However, we cannot rule out the possibilities of placebo effect in this trial.