The effectiveness of tai chi, yoga, meditation, and reiki healing sessions in promoting health and enhancing problem solving abilities of registered nurses

Author: Raingruber B, Robinson C
Affiliation: University of California Davis Medical Center, Sacremento, California, USA
Conference/Journal: Issues Ment Health Nurs
Date published: 2007
Other: Volume ID: 28 , Issue ID: 10 , Pages: 1141-55 , Word Count: 102

Given the current necessity of retaining qualified nurses, a self-care program consisting of Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation classes, and Reiki healing sessions was designed for a university-based hospital. The effectiveness of these interventions was evaluated using self-care journals and analyzed using a Heideggerian phenomenological approach. Outcomes of the self-care classes described by nurses included: (a) noticing sensations of warmth, tingling, and pulsation which were relaxing, (b) becoming aware of an enhanced problem solving ability, and (c) noticing an increased ability to focus on patient needs. Hospitals willing to invest in self-care options for nurses can anticipate patient and work related benefits.
PMID: 17957554