Using Tai Chi, Qigong and Chinese Herbs to Reduce Cholesterol: A Study Incorporating Artificial Intelligence

Author: McGee, RW
Affiliation: Fayetteville State University, USA
Conference/Journal: Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
Date published: 2024 Jun 14
Other: Volume ID: 57 , Issue ID: 1 , Pages: 48776-48784 , Special Notes: DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2024.57.008943 , Word Count: 260

The purpose of this study was two-fold, first, to see what kind of information artificial intelligence could
generate on a medical topic, and second, to generate useful medical information that could be of interest
to both the public and the medical professional. Microsoft Copilot was used to create brief essays on tai chi,
qigong and Chinese herbs and their use in attempting to reduce bad cholesterol. It was able to do so, and also
cited numerous publications on the targeted topic. The research was supplemented by using the PubMed
database to see what research had already been conducted on the use of tai chi, qigong and Chinese herbs
on the reduction of cholesterol. The methodology employed in the present study can also be used in other
studies, both medical and nonmedical, to generate useful information on a wide range of topics that can be
read by both professionals and the general reader. However, care must be taken if one attempts to act on the
information provided by artificial intelligence, since prior studies have found that the quality of information
provided by AI bots can sometimes be incorrect or incomplete. AI can be used as a tool of medical and other
research, but the human brain is still needed to check the accuracy of whatever information AI generates.
Although AI can be very useful in the preliminary stages of a research project, it should not be the only source
of information that is to be relied upon.

Keywords: Cholesterol; Herbs; Tai Chi; Qigong; Traditional Chinese Medicine; TCM; Artificial Intelligence; AI;