Using Artificial Intelligence to Conduct Research on the Health Benefits of Tai Chi: A Pilot Study

Author: McGee, RW
Affiliation: Fayetteville State University, USA
Conference/Journal: Biomed J Sci & Tech Res
Date published: 2024 Feb 26
Other: Volume ID: 55 , Issue ID: 2 , Pages: 46838-46841 , Special Notes: DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2024.55.008679 , Word Count: 138

This study searched for information on the health benefits of tai chi on three artificial intelligence chatbots
in an effort to determine what kind of information could be found, and which chatbot did the best job of
finding relevant information. The study found that all three of the bots were able to find useful information,
but that the type of information found was more relevant to patients and nonprofessionals than to medical
professionals. The study concluded that the PubMed database would be a better choice for information about
tai chi that would be useful for medical professionals, although the information found on the three chatbots
would serve as a useful introduction for medical professionals who had little or no knowledge of the health
benefits of tai chi.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence AI; Tai Chi; Qigong; Traditional Chinese Medicine; TCM