Assessment and tailored physical rehabilitation approaches in persons with cerebellar impairments targeting mobility and walking according to the International Classification of Functioning: a systematic review of case-reports and case-series

Author: Anne Bogaert1, Francesco Romanò2, Pierre Cabaraux3, Peter Feys1,4, Lousin Moumdjian1,4,5
Affiliation: <sup>1</sup> REVAL Rehabilitation Research Center, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium. <sup>2</sup> Neuroimaging Research Unit, Division of Neuroscience, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy. <sup>3</sup> Service de Neurologie, Médiathèque Jean Jacquy, CHU-Charleroi, Charleroi, Belgium. <sup>4</sup> UMSC Hasselt, Pelt, Belgium. <sup>5</sup> IPEM Institute of Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
Conference/Journal: Disabil Rehabil
Date published: 2023 Aug 28
Other: Special Notes: doi: 10.1080/09638288.2023.2248886. , Word Count: 213

Cerebellar impairment (CI) manifests from different etiologies resulting in a heterogenic clinical presentation affecting walking and mobility. Case-reports were reviewed to provide an analytical clinical picture of persons with CI (PwCI) to differentiate cerebellar and non-cerebellar impairments and to identify interventions and assessments used to quantify impact on walking and mobility according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

Materials and methods:
Literature was searched in PubMed, Web Of Science and Scopus. Case-reports conducting physical rehabilitation and reporting at least one outcome measure of ataxia, gait pattern, walking or mobility were included.

28 articles with a total of 38 different patients were included. Etiologies were clustered to: spinocerebellar degenerations, traumatic brain injuries, cerebellar tumors, stroke and miscellaneous. The interventions applied were activity-based, including gait and balance training. Participation based activities such as tai chi, climbing and dance-based therapy had positive outcomes on mobility. Outcomes on body function such as ataxia and gait pattern were only reported in 22% of the patients.

A comprehensive test battery to encompass the key features of a PwCI on different levels of the ICF is needed to manage heterogeneity. Measures on body function level should be included in interventions.

Keywords: Cerebellar impairment; International Classification of Functioning; assessment; case reports; mobility; physical rehabilitation; walking.

PMID: 37639546 DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2023.2248886