Education of qigong for these 3 years tried in japan educational center

Author: Hayashima M
Affiliation: Japan Educational Center, Hirokuni Clinic, Tokyo, Japan
Conference/Journal: 7th Int Sym on Qigong
Date published: 1998
Other: Pages: 94 , Word Count: 104

The Japan Educational Center of Qigong, which is recognized by the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Shanghai Qigong Institute, was established in the Hirokuni Clinic at Edogawa in Tokyo Japan. Beside the usual patients with respiratory diseases, circulatory system disorders or gastrointestinal disorders, many patients with incurable diseases such as cancer, rheumatic arthritis or chronin hepatitis visit this clinic desiring herb therapy or immuno therapy. The instructors from Shanghai Qigong Institute visited this Center according to the agreement with that University and Institute since 1995. The education has put emphasis on orthodoxy, systematization, originality, and mobility, although still by trial and error.