INTENTRON1CS: Instruments to facilitate Mind/Matter interactions for Health and Well Being

Author: Russell William
Affiliation: Intentronics
Conference/Journal: Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit
Date published: 2005
Other: Pages: 62 , Word Count: 116

We have seen in the laboratory that focused thought can effects materials and living systems. Formerly considered taboo by definition of the boundaries of science, studies of the effects of the mind on 'external' physical matter are expanding. Records indicate that shamans from various indigenous cultures had developed sophisticated mental techniques to influence materials and living things. Likewise, the Far East masters of mind control seem to have developed ways to direct their intent through control of Qi: a kind of subtle but powerful force. Contemporary scientific investigations lend credence to the possibility that these ancient cultural abilities were genuine and that they can be comprehended as manifestations of mind-matter relationships governed by quantum physics principles.