A Conceptual Framework Encompassing the Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinological Influences of Listening to Music in Patients With Heart Failure.

Author: Burrai F1, Hasan W, Luppi M, Micheluzzi V
Affiliation: <sup>1</sup>Health Care Provider Service, ASSL of Olbia-ATS Sardegna, Olbia, Italy (Dr Burrai); Knight Cardiovascular Institute, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland (Dr Hasan); University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy (Dr Luppi); and RSA Villa della Salute, Minerbio, Bologna, Italy and Home Care Service, Sassari, Italy (Ms Micheluzzi).
Conference/Journal: Holist Nurs Pract.
Date published: 2018 Mar/Apr
Other: Volume ID: 32 , Issue ID: 2 , Pages: 81-89 , Special Notes: doi: 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000253. , Word Count: 53

Patients with heart failure have been traditionally treated with a pharmacology-based approach, diet, exercise, and rehabilitation for reducing symptoms, hospitalizations, and mortality. We have developed a solid conceptual framework for music listening-based protocols, showing how music may have a broad range of positive effects on cardiovascular health through psychoneuroimmunoendocrinological pathways.

PMID: 29432354 DOI: 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000253