One- And Two-year Outcomes of Treating Preschool Children with Autism with a Qigong Massage Protocol: An Observational Follow-along Study

Author: Louisa MT Silva1*, Mark Schalock2, Kristen R Gabrielsen3 and Gretchen HD4
Affiliation: 1Teaching Research Institute, Western Oregon University, USA 2Associate Research Professor, Teaching Research Institute, Western Oregon University, USA 3MPH, Project Director, Consultant for Teaching Research Institute, Western Oregon University, USA 4Consultant/Project Manager, Teaching Research Institute, Western Oregon University, USA Corresponding Author: Louisa MT Silva Visiting Professor, Teaching Research Institute Western Oregon University, Post Office Box 92 McMinnville, OR 97128, USA Tel: 503-585-9239 Fax: 503-585-9377 E-mail:
Conference/Journal: Alternative & Integrative Medicine
Date published: 2016 Apr 29
Other: Volume ID: 5 , Pages: 216 , Special Notes: doi:10.4172/2327-5162.1000216 , Word Count: 323


Background: Randomized controlled trials have repeatedly demonstrated that treatment with a five-month qigong massage protocol significantly reduces the severity of autism. The treatment protocol is known as Qigong Sensory Training (QST) autism massage and is given daily by parents and weekly by therapists for five months. Treatment reduces the tactile abnormalities that are universal in young children with autism and results in improved social skills, language and behavior. At five months, tactile abnormalities are reduced by 1/2, autistic behavior is reduced by 1/3, autism severity is reduced by 16%, and 6% of children have moved off the spectrum. What has not yet been done is to measure outcomes with longer-term treatment. This observational study investigates outcomes with up to 24 months of treatment. Methods: 75 children entered this observational study upon completion of five months of treatment with the QST protocol. They received daily parent treatment and monthly therapist treatment for the balance of the first year, and daily parent treatment without therapist support for the second year. Sequential evaluations were conducted at baseline (n=75), five months (n=75), 12 months (n=67) and 24 months (n=31). Results: Continued treatment resulted in continued improvement. At 12 and 24 months, mean tactile responses normalized by 57% and 72%, with 24% and 32% falling into the normal range; mean autism severity decreased by 27% and 44%, with 12% and 26% of children moving out of autistic range. Conclusions: Results demonstrated that longer-term treatment resulted in resolution of tactile impairment and continued improvement of social skills, language and behavior. The rate of coming off the spectrum (1 in 4 children by year-2) was far higher than the natural history of ASD would predict. Results support earlier recommendations to treat tactile abnormalities at the time of autism diagnosis in order to improve autism outcomes.


Autism treatment; Tactile anormalities; Qigong; QST massage


ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder; CARS: Childhood Autism Rating Scale; ABC: Autism Behavior Checklist; SSC: Sense and Self-Regulation Checklist; PLS: Preschool Language Scale; QST: Qigong Sensory Treatment; EIBI: Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention; ABA: Applied Behavioral Analysis