Promoting Healthy Transition to College through Mindfulness Training with 1st year College Students: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.

Author: Dvořáková K1, Kishida M1, Li J1, Elavsky S1, Broderick PC1, Agrusti MR1, Greenberg MT1.
Affiliation: 1a The Pennsylvania State University.
Conference/Journal: J Am Coll Health.
Date published: 2017 Jan 11
Other: Special Notes: doi: 10.1080/07448481.2017.1278605 , Word Count: 167

Given the importance of developmental transitions on young adults' lives and the high rates of mental health issues among U.S. college students, 1st year college students can be particularly vulnerable to stress and adversity. This pilot study evaluated the effectiveness and feasibility of mindfulness training aiming to promote 1st year college students' health and wellbeing.
109 freshmen were recruited from residential halls (50% Caucasian, 66% female). Data collection was completed in November 2014.
A randomized control trial was conducted utilizing the Learning to BREATHE (L2B) program, a universal mindfulness program adapted to match the developmental tasks of college transition.
Participation in the pilot intervention was associated with significant increase in students' life satisfaction, and significant decrease in depression and anxiety. Marginally significant decrease was found for sleep issues and alcohol consequences.
Mindfulness-based programs may be an effective strategy to enhance a healthy transition into college.
Transition to college; alcohol; mental health; mindfulness interventions; sleep; stress
PMID: 28076182 DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2017.1278605
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]