Electromagnetic induction between axons and their schwann cell myelin-protein sheaths.

Author: Goodman G, Bercovich D.
Affiliation: Galil Genetic Analysis, Kazerin 12900, Israel.
Conference/Journal: J Integr Neurosci.
Date published: 2013 Dec 12
Other: Volume ID: 4 , Pages: 475-89 , Special Notes: doi: 10.1142/S0219635213500295 , Word Count: 105

Two concepts have long dominated vertebrate nerve electrophysiology: (a) Schwann cell-formed myelin sheaths separated by minute non-myelinated nodal gaps and spiraling around axons of peripheral motor nerves reduce current leakage during propagation of trains of axon action potentials; (b) "jumping" by action potentials between successive nodes greatly increases signal conduction velocity. Long-held and more recent assumptions and issues underlying those concepts have been obscured by research emphasis on axon-sheath biochemical symbiosis and nerve regeneration. We hypothesize: mutual electromagnetic induction in the axon-glial sheath association, is fundamental in signal conduction in peripheral and central myelinated axons, explains the g-ratio and is relevant to animal navigation.
PMID: 24372067