The effect of qigong on blood pressure and vascative substances in patients wit chronic nehpritic hypertension

Author: Yuan Shuyxin 1//Xia Bin 1//Wang Zhongbia 1//Zhu Yanli 2//He Weiguo 2//Tang Jingfen 2
Affiliation: Shanghai Qigong Institute, Shanghai, China [1]//Shu Guang Hospital, China [2]
Conference/Journal: 6th Int Sym on Qigong
Date published: 1996
Other: Pages: 41-42 , Special Notes: Also in Chinese. , Word Count: 347

This article reports the clinical observation of the effect of qigong on blood pressure and vasoactive substances in patients with hypertension and searches for relevant mechanism.

53 cases of hypertension were randomly classified into two groups, of which, the control group (22 cases, 10 of which were in ajotemic stage) was treated by nifedipine (10 mg) and herbal prescription (decoction) and the observation group (31 case, 16 of which were in ajotemic stage) was treated by qigong exercise as well as the above drug and herbs.

The changes of blood pressure, plasma creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and six vasoactive substances (plasma renin activity, angio tension, aldoseerone, thromboxane B2, 6- ketoprostaglandin Fla and a trial natriuretic peptide) were observed in both groups 3 months after treatment.

The statistical analysis showed that qigong had an immediate lowering effect on blood pressure after on exercise the lowering effect of qigong on systolic pressure occurred after four weeks & that on diastolic pressure did after eight weeks, in general, the time of qigong exercise, the more obvious the lowering effect of it on blood pressure the obvious effective rate of lowering blood pressure was significantly high in observation group than in control group (P<O.026).

In six vasoactive substances, qigong remarkably lowered the levels of angiotension II and atrial natriueeic peptide and raised the level of 6-ketoprostaglandin Fla (P<0.006-0.02), but no significant difference was observed in plasma renin activity, aldosterone anol thrombosane B2 in both groups (all P>O O6). The change of plasma creatinine in azotemic stage was smaller in observation than in control group(P<0 06),but no significant difference was observed in blood urea nitrogen in both groups (P>0.06). The experience is:

1. Qigong exercise has a certain lowering effect on blood pressure in patients with chronic hypertension.

2. Qigong exercise has a certain regulating effect on related vasoaetive substances.

3. Qigong exercise has a certain delaying effect on renal hypofunction in patients with choonic nephritic hypertension.

4. Qigong for reinforcing the kidneys to strengthen the body and qigong for relaxation induced by ided?? have a cartain therapeutic effect on patients with chronic nephritic hypertension.