Tai Chi's Effects on Health-Related Fitness of Low-Income Older Adults. Author: Manson J, Ritvo P, Ardern C, Weir P, Baker J, Jamnik V, Tamim H. Affiliation: York University. Conference/Journal: Can J Aging. Date published: 2013 Aug 6 Other: Pages: 1-8 , Word Count: 148 ABSTRACT Tai chi (TC) has been shown to positively influence health-related fitness (HRF) of elderly participants by affording them a means to increase musculoskeletal strength. The objective of this study was to examine TC intervention effects on HRF and whether ethnic groups not culturally related to TC experienced a barrier to participation in a community-based program for low-income older adults. Seventy-eight older mixed-ethnicity adults (age 55 and older) who were not culturally affiliated with TC were recruited for this study. HRF measures were taken before and after a 16-week TC program that offered seven sessions per week. Significant improvements were found in upper and lower musculoskeletal fitness and partial curl-ups, with TC being embraced by the participants. These results suggest that TC can be effective for improving HRF and that non-TC culturally related ethnic groups did not experience a barrier to participation in an older low-socioeconomic population sample. PMID: 23915817