Electromagnetic field of microtubules: effects on transfer of mass particles and electrons. Author: Pokorný J, Hašek J, Jelínek F. Affiliation: Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Chaberská 57, 182 51 Prague 8, Czech Republic. Conference/Journal: J Biol Phys. Date published: 2005 Dec Other: Volume ID: 31 , Issue ID: 3-4 , Pages: 501-14 , Special Notes: doi: 10.1007/s10867-005-1286-1 , Word Count: 159 Biological polar molecules and polymer structures with energy supply (such as microtubules in the cytoskeleton) can get excited and generate an endogenous electromagnetic field with strong electrical component in their vicinity. The endogenous electrical fields through action on charges, on dipoles and multipoles, and through polarization (causing dielectrophoretic effect) exert forces and can drive charges and particles in the cell. The transport of mass particles and electrons is analyzed as a Wiener-Lévy process with inclusion of deterministic force (validity of the Bloch theorem is assumed for transport of electrons in molecular chains too). We compare transport driven by deterministic forces (together with an inseparable thermal component) with that driven thermally and evaluate the probability to reach the target. Deterministic forces can transport particles and electrons with higher probability than forces of thermal origin only. The effect of deterministic forces on directed transport is dominant. KEYWORDS: directed transport, electromagnetic fields in cells, organization in biology PMID: 23345914 [PubMed] PMCID: PMC3456341