Neurophysiological background for physical therapies in fibromyalgia. Author: Casale R, Atzeni F, Sarzi-Puttini P. Affiliation: . Conference/Journal: Reumatismo Date published: 2012 Sep 28 Other: Volume ID: 64 , Issue ID: 4 , Pages: 238-49 , Special Notes: doi: 10.4081/reumatismo.2012.238. , Word Count: 66 This paper describes the techniques for controlling pain by the physical means that are most widely used clinically, particularly in the case of fibromyalgia. They are grouped on the basis of the physical energy used: mechanical, thermal (including magnetic and electromagnetic), and light (LASER). The main underlying neurophysiological mechanisms are gate activation, the stimulation of descending systems of pain control, and the endogenous opiate system. PMID: 23024968