Clinical and laboratory study of the effect of qigong anaesthesia on thyroidectomy Author: Lin Houshen Affiliation: Shanghai Qigong Institute, Shanghai, China Conference/Journal: 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong Date published: 1988 Other: Pages: 84 , Word Count: 715 Qigong anesthesia (hereafter called QA) has recently presented satisfactory results in the resection of thyroid gland tumor and operations on tongue cysts. It has been shown by experiments that QA has sedative and analgesic effects. The clinical results are obvious. Once when I was emitting my qi from the centre of my palm to treat a patient of stomach cancer, I found coincidentally that his pain was relieved immediately. This hints that the emitted qi has a certain effect of relieving pain. With the same kind qi I treated a patient of schizophrenia when he went to sleep within less than five minutes sitting on the bench. This indicates the emitted qi has the sedative effect. The above phenomena in the clinic inspired the assumption to make use of qigong as an anaesthetic in performing the resection of thyroid gland tumor and cyst. The clinical applications of QA have won success. From May to June in 1980, 34 cases of resection of the thyroid gland tumor and cyst were successfully operated on under QA with the assistance of the Shanghai No 8 People's Hospital, the affiliated Shuguang Hospital and Longhua Hospital attached of the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Zhongsan Hospital and the E. N. T. Hospital the Shanghai Medical University, and the Hefei No 1 People's Hospital. Judged by the Anaesthetic Effect Standards stipulated at the National Conference of Acupuncture Anaethesia, 17 cases reached grade I; 14 cases grade II; 3 cases grade III. Grade I and II accounted for 91.1%, showing that QA had fairly good effects in surgery. Experiments have to be done for further study. I emitted my qi from the centre of my palm to a rabbit about 10 cm away, aiming at a certain acupuncture point. As the rabbit received my qi, its cellular electric pulse changed greatly. Meanwhile the temperature on the tip of its nose raised 3°C. I emitted my qi through the centre of my palm which was about one metre away form a liquid crystal board and turned its colour from black to blue. Experimenting on a thermal imaging system, I emitted the same qi from about 1 metre away. The photos produced by this system showed that there was a ring of light around Laogong (P 8) in the centre of my palm, and the skin temperature at Laogong (P 8) increased 2.8°C. Emitting my qi to colonies of fluorescent germs about 15 cm away, I made the germs give out 68 % more light. My palm was put in front of a low temperature infrared tester about metre away when qi was emitted from Laogong (P 8) . The instrument showed that this is a kind of infrared magnetic wave modulated by low frequency. I issued my qi for 30 patients when they were treated. Meanwhile, a control group who did not receive QA was established to observe the effect of QA on the pain threshold. There existed great difference in the pain threshold between the patients who had accepted QA and those who had not. The L-EK determination was also performed before and after QA, showing a significant post GA increase in the L-EK content. The average rate raised per person was that in one case, before and after the giving of QA, blood samples had been taken to rule out the possibility of the influence of other factors such as surgical stimulus, L-EK still raised 30%. From the foresaid example we can see the emitted qi can promote recipients' L-EK to release, so to elicit the analgesic effect. As to the different influences of QA and drug anesthesia over NK cells, we compared the immune activity of NC cells in 4 QA cases with that in 4 cases receiving drug anesthesia. It was found that in the QA group, the NC immune activity was weaker before QA than in the QA process. In the drug anaesthetic group, however, the finding was just the opposite. This indicates that QA is an unharmful anesthesia. Three qigong doctors' ATP and energy were determined before and after QA. It was found that QA resulted in tremendous reduction of ATP, their contents implying that QA performance was a strong energy consumption process. QA, as a trial following the experiment of acupunctural anesthesia, has shown certain clinical results. Our experiments have preliminarily explored its material basis and analgesic mechanism and laid a foundation for further study.