Characterisation of human skin impedance at acupuncture point PC4 Ximen and pericardium meridian using the four-electrode method. Author: Rezaei S, Khorsand A, Jamali J. Affiliation: 1Nuclear Medicine Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Science, Mashhad, Islamic Republic of Iran. Conference/Journal: Acupunct Med. Date published: 2012 Mar 31 Other: Word Count: 227 INTRODUCTION: Traditional Chinese medicine offers several theories to explain the mechanism of acupuncture. One of these theories proposes that acupuncture points and meridians have unique electrical properties and their electrical skin impedance is lower than surrounding areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences in electrical skin impedance between PC4 and the pericardium meridian compared with the surrounding areas. METHODS: Eighteen healthy subjects (10 women) were recruited to participate in the study. An impedance meter based on the four-electrode technique was designed specifically for the study. Twenty-five points were marked on the skin: one on the point PC4, four others on the pericardium meridian and 20 points around it. The electrical impedance of each point was measured with the four-electrode device. RESULTS: The mean electrical skin impedance at PC4 was significantly different from the 20 of the surrounding points but not significantly different from the four adjacent points. The mean skin impedance of the five points over the pericardium meridian was significantly different from that of parallel rows of points using repeated measures analysis of variance (p<0.001) CONCLUSION: Within the possible limits of this measurement technique, skin impedance along the pericardium meridian is lower than surrounding areas, supporting the idea of different properties of the pericardium meridian compared with the control areas. Evidence on skin impedance at PC4 is inconclusive and further studies are needed. PMID: 22467248