Holistic Acupuncture approach to idiopathic refractory nausea, abdominal pain and bloating Author: Ouyang A, Xu L. Conference/Journal: World Journal of Gatroentology Date published: 2007 Other: Volume ID: 13 , Issue ID: 40 , Pages: 5360-5366 , Word Count: 121 METHODS: Twelve patients with no or mild nausea (those without nausea had bloating or pain) and 10 with a history of moderate to severe nausea were referred for acupuncture. All underwent an EGG and were treated at acupuncture points. Nineteen patients received three and three patients received two treatments. RESULTS: VAS scores for nausea reflected the clinical assessment and differed significantly between mild and moderate/severe nausea groups. Acupuncture significantly improved severity of nausea in both groups with improved pre-treatment nausea between the first and third treatments in the moderate/severe nausea group. Pain scores improved with acupuncture in the mild nausea group only and bloating improved only with the first treatment in this group. Acupuncture increased the power in the EGG.