Developing a positive emotion-motivated Tai Chi (PEM-TC) exercise program for older adults with dementia. Author: Yao L, Giordani B, Alexander NB. Affiliation: University of Michigan, School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0482, USA. Conference/Journal: Res Theory Nurs Pract. Date published: 2008 Other: Volume ID: 22 , Issue ID: 4 , Pages: 241-55 , Word Count: 119 Exercise, particularly Tai Chi, has many known benefits, especially in reducing fall risk. However, exercise studies have tended to exclude older adults with dementia (OAD), who may be at high fall risk but have difficulty participating in formal exercise programs. This paper describes development and feasibility testing of a Tai Chi fall risk reduction exercise protocol, the positive emotion-motivated Tai Chi (PEM-TC) program for OAD, and explores strategies that facilitate their participation in and adherence to exercise programs. Preliminary data indicates that difficulties in delivering exercise to OAD may be eased by using the Sticky Hands Tai Chi teaching technique. Family members may have the optimum advantage in using Sticky Hands because of established emotional connections with their OAD.