Effect of Convolvulus pluricaulis Chois on gastric ulceration and secretion in rats Author: Sairam K, Rao CV, Goel RK Affiliation: Department of Pharmacology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Conference/Journal: Indian J Exp Biol Date published: 2001 Other: Volume ID: 39 , Issue ID: 4 , Pages: 350-4 , Word Count: 175 Convolvulus pluricaulis is an indigenous plant commonly mentioned in Ayurveda, an ancient system of Indian medicine, as a rasayana which is mainly advocated for use in rejuvenation therapy. The present study was conducted to evaluate the potential anti-ulcerogenic effect of juice of fresh whole plants of C. pluricaulis (CPJ) against various experimental gastric ulcer models induced by ethanol, aspirin, 2 hr cold restraint stress and 4 hr pyloric ligation in rats. The drug was given orally twice daily for five days in the doses of 375 and 750 mg/kg body weight. CPJ showed anti-ulcerogenic effect at both doses in all the experimental gastric ulcer models and was comparable to the reference drug sucralfate (250 mg/kg). Gastric juice secretion and mucosal studies were undertaken to find out the possible mechanism of action of antiulcer effect by studying its effects both on offensive and defensive mucosal factors. The antiulcerogenic effect of CPJ was found to be due to augmentation of mucosal defensive factors like mucin secretion, lifespan of mucosal cells and glycoprotiens rather than on the offensive factors like acid-pepsin.